성광의 용기희 아르테나/대사


I am Altena, Quan's daughter. As one of the crusader Njörun's descendants, I will display the gifts of my lineage.私はキュアンの娘、アルテナと申します。槍騎士ノヴァの末裔として、その名に恥じぬよう頑張ります。

We will soar through the skies together again one day—just as we used to, Arion...いつか、時が経てば、あの頃のように共に空を駆けることが叶うのでしょうか。アリオーン兄様…
Travant took me captive when I was very young, raising me to call him Father after he murdered my parents.幼い頃、私はトラバントに囚われました。そして、知らなかったとはいえ親の仇を父と呼んでいたのです…
You do so much for us every day... Why not join me on a wyvern ride for a change of pace? It will be delightful.日々のおつとめご苦労様です。気分転換に空を駆けてみますか?私も幼い頃、よく乗せてもらいました。
Tending to wyverns is not so hard. They may seem threatening, but they can still be quite cute at times.飛竜の世話をしていました。いかつく見えても、普段の仕草などにかわいらしい所もあるのですよ。
When I'm bearing a divine weapon, forgotten memories begin to surface. A gentle gaze, a tender touch...こうして神器を手にしているとわずかに記憶がよみがえってきます。優しい父の眼差し、柔らかい母の腕…

친구 방문

My name is Altena. I have come to give you this on the behalf of your friend [Friend].私はアルテナと申します。[フレンド]の使いで参りました。どうぞ、こちらを。

레벨 업

I am descended from Njörun, and I will not be defeated!私もノヴァの血を引く者、敵に遅れは取りません!
Pride clouds the vision. I must be mindful of that.慢心は敗北を招きます。まだまだ、気を張らねば。
My apologies. I meant to be more than a mere burden...すみません、このようなところで足手まといになるわけには…


You will get nothing but the very best from me. I swear it—on the name of my father. My true father.父の名と、この槍に誓ってさらなる活躍をしてみせます。

5성 40레벨 달성

Might I ask your opinion? I have been wondering... What does "family" mean to you, [Summoner]?
I am of Leonster by blood, but I was raised by Thracians. Either could just as easily be called my family.
Blood relationships, birthplace, upbringing... All these things form a complicated knot...
But perhaps, if I can show the people who I am inside... It may help heal the wound dividing the two countries.
Reunited with my brother and father, we can work together to do just that, as a family... That is my dream.


You can't run!逃がさん!



오의 발동

Sorry, but...you die here.悪いが死んでもらう
Enough talk!戯言は無用だ!
Get out of my way!邪魔はさせない!
Stand aside!通してもらおう!


Arion... My brother...アリオーン兄様…


I am Altena...the daughter of Quan, of Leonster.私はレンスターのキュアンの娘。アルテナです。
...H—hey! You should really quit that!…!? そ、そういうのは困ります…!
Nothing can surpass the joy of my reunion with Prince Leif and Finn.リーフ王子やフィンと再会できたことは、この上ない喜び。
Despite Travant's savage nature, I truly believed in him as my father.トラバントは恐ろしい男ですが、私は父親だと信じていました。
I'll strive to see Thracia united... as atonement for what I've done.私はトラキア統一を成し遂げてみせます。それがせめてもの罪滅ぼし…
It's impossible now, Arion...but we'll be together again. Some day, after some time passes...今はまだ無理でも、いつか、時がたてば一緒に…アリオーン兄様…
If I can help you make a difference in this world, I'm sure my father and mother would smile down on me.あなたと共にこの世界の役に立てれば、父や母もきっと喜んでくれます。

아군 턴 터치

Please, wait.お待ちください
Forgive me...許せよ…

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