봄색의 기사도 애쉬/대사


Oh, is this where we're celebrating the spring festival? Let me know how I can help make things fun!ここが春祭りの会場ですか?僕も祭りを盛り上げるよう手伝います!

There's a lot to learn, even outside the classroom. I'll need to see it all if I'm going to become a proper knight!学校の外にも学ぶべきことはたくさんある。立派な騎士になるために日々の経験を積み上げないと!
Sylvain said that a knight is loved by their people. So, I'm going to make sure this festival is fun for everyone!騎士は民衆に愛される存在であれ。シルヴァンが言ってたんです。僕もこのお祭り、しっかり盛り上げますよ!
I wish my little brother and sister could come to this festival too. I'm sure they'd love it!妹や弟たちにも、この国のお祭りを見せてやりたいです。きっと喜ぶだろうな…。
Aren't you going to get dressed up in spring festival garb, Summoner? I'm sure you'd look better in it than me![召喚師]さんは春祭りの衣装に着替えないんですか?僕より似合いますよ、きっと!
The Kingdom of Askr sure is a nice place. I really get the sense that everyone is enjoying the festival!アスク王国はよい国ですね。みんながお祭りを楽しんでいるのを肌で感じます!

친구 방문

I'm Ashe Ubert! I've been entrusted with delivering a spring festival gift from [Friend]!アッシュ=デュランです![フレンド]さんから春祭りの贈り物を預かってきました!

레벨 업

No matter the challenge, I'll hop right over it—quick like a bunny!どんな試練だって飛び越えてみせますよ!ウサギのように軽やかに!
I won't let anything get in the way of everyone enjoying the festival to its fullest!みんなが楽しんでいるお祭りです。邪魔はさせませんよ!
The spring sun feels so nice. It makes me want to drift off to sleep... No, I need to focus!春の陽気が気持ちよくてついウトウトと…。気を引き締めないと!


It is a knight's duty to be steadfast! I will make sure this spring festival is a success!期待に応えるのが騎士の務め!この春祭り、きっと成功に導きます!

5성 40레벨 달성

Summoner, the spring festival is a smashing success! Everywhere you look, people are all smiles!
A long time ago, I tried to get by on the wrong path. I did it to feed my brother and sister, but still...
Lord Lonato saved me. I want to become a proper knight, not so I can atone, but so I can save others too.
A knight's duty is to make sure the people can keep smiling. This festival has only strengthened my resolve!
I still have a lot to learn, but I will never, ever give up on my dream.
With the memory of this spring festival engraved on my heart, I will continue on my path to knighthood.
Straight ahead, without faltering!





오의 발동

Spring has sprung!春が来ましたよ!
This'll be a breeze!起きてください!
Fear the ears!僕は兎です!
Hopping to it!ぴょーん!


Got carried away...浮かれすぎました…


Thank you for inviting me to such a fun festival!楽しそうなお祭りにご招待いただきありがとうございます!
Ah. What is it? Is something wrong?わあっ!? あれ、どこかおかしかったですか?
I always make sure to get plenty of rest. Knights need to keep their energy up.早寝早起きは立派な騎士の基本です。寝ぼけてなんていられませんからね。
Getting all dressed up like this... I dunno.こんな衣装は初めてで、ちょっと照れますね。
It's nice to be called cute, I guess. Even if I'd rather be dashing.みんなが可愛いって…僕はかっこいいって言われたいんですけど。
I found some adorable bunny-shaped treats. I wish I could bring them home to my brother and sister.兎の形のお菓子があったんです。妹や弟に持って帰りたいな…
It's been a real pleasure spending the spring with you.この暖かくて楽しい季節を、あなたと過ごせて幸せです。

아군 턴 터치

Don't nod off, now.眠いんですか?
I'll spring into action!起こしにいきます

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