미래의 강완 보레/대사


I'm Boyd. I might be young, but when I get serious, my determination is bigger than any adult's—you'll see!おれはボーレ!本気出せば大人にだって負けないんだ。よろしくな!

I'm gonna be a merc when I grow up. I can't wait to see Oscar's face when I show him how much I earn.早く大人になりたい!それで、戦いまくって…たくさん稼いで兄貴にほめてもらうんだ。
Rolf is still so small, it's up to me to watch his back. After all, that's what big brothers are for.弟のヨファはまだ小さいから、おれが守ってやるんだ。おれたちは、家族だから。
You let us into your home, so you're as good as family. If you need any help, like chopping wood, just ask.同じ釜の飯を食ったら家族も同然だから。役に立てることがあったら、薪割りでも何でも言ってくれよ。
I may be young, but these muscles pack the punch of someone twice my age!へへっ、こう見えても筋肉あるんだぜ。大人にだって負けるもんか!
I'm gonna work hard, play hard, and eat lots. That way I'll get super strong!たくさん働いて、たくさん食って、身体をでっかくするんだ!

친구 방문

Hey there! I brought you something pretty cool. But I didn't look! It's from [Friend].おーい![フレンド]さんからの贈り物を持ってきた!

레벨 업

Oh yeah! I'm so strong, I can take on anyone. Nothing bad's gonna happen to Rolf while I'm around.よーし…よし、よし!力が湧いてくるぞ!おれは強くなって、ヨファを守る!
Fights are just about overpowering the other guy with brute force, right? I can do that. Let's go, go, go!戦いは力で押し切ればいいんだよな!攻めて攻めて、攻めまくる!
How did I... Rgh. Maybe I can learn something from this...おっ……!?おおお…何かわかったような……?


Thanks for this. I won't let you down!ありがとうな!おれ、がんばるから!

5성 40레벨 달성

Hey, um... What's your family like? You know, parents, brothers, sisters, that sort of thing.
I don't wanna seem rude. I just haven't seen anyone like that around, so I was wondering...
After Rolf was born and our father died, without a mother, the three of us were left to fend for ourselves.
It wasn't my father's fault, but that doesn't change the fact that we got left out in the cold.
That's why we're so grateful you took us in. We're gonna do whatever we can to help you out!





오의 발동

Try and stop me!負けねえ!
I've got this!おれが倒す!
Gotta be strong!強くなるんだ!
Not bad, right?甘く見るなよ!


Sorry, Oscar...すまねえ…兄貴…


I'm Boyd. You might know my big brother, Oscar, or my little brother, Rolf.おれはボーレ! オスカーは兄貴、ヨファは弟だ。
Hey! Don't sneak up on me!うわあっ!? び、びっくりさせんなよな!
I've gotta get stronger if I wanna help Oscar.早く大きくなって、兄貴の役に立てるようになるんだ。
I'm plenty tough! I can take on any of the kids my age!おれ、強いんだぜ。同い年くらいの相手ならぜってー負けねえ。
Show me to the grub, would ya? I'm starving.はー…腹減ったなあ…。なあ、食堂連れてってくれねえ?
My brother Rolf is a great kid. I've got to make sure he keeps out of trouble.ヨファは大事な弟だ、俺が面倒みてやんねえと…
You put food on our plates and a roof over our heads. Thanks for that.あんたはおれたちに食事と寝る場所をくれたからな。恩は返すぜ。

아군 턴 터치

You got it!おう!
What's the plan?どうすんだ?
Ready to go!行ってくる!

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