사제유전의 숙명 벨레트/대사


I am Byleth. I have some experience as an instructor, if that is something you would find useful.ベレトと呼んでくれればいい。教師のつとめなら経験がある。役に立てるかもしれない。

My students clearly have something to say about my look, but whenever I ask they simply avoid the question.さきほど、元の世界での生徒と出くわした。この姿を見て、何か言いたそうだったが……口を押さえて行ってしまった。
I don't use much flourish or detail when I write. It's probably because I was raised as a mercenary.必要なことを伝達するためには、余分な装飾や行間は不要と学んだ。傭兵の気質というやつかもしれない。
I have heard that Khadein's magic is strong against dragons. From what I've seen, I do believe it.カダインの魔法は竜と戦うための力と聞いた。火球に雷電、氷刃……なかでも風の剣は空を飛ぶ竜に有効だろうと理解できる。
All I know about strategy and tactics, I learned from my father. I can pass those lessons on to you, if you'd like.自分の武芸や戦術はすべて父から教わったものだ。必要ならば教授しよう。
Mages should not neglect physical conditioning. Concentration is a function of the body's stamina.魔道の使い手には体力も必要だ。精神力や知力、集中力を高めるために。

친구 방문

Hello. In the spirit of your continued friendship, I bring you greetings from [Friend].[フレンド]からの挨拶だ。そちらの[召喚師]と引き続き親交をと。

레벨 업

Follow your convictions. Listen to your intuition.自分の信念に従い、歩み続ける。内なる声に耳を傾けて――
We all contributed. Now, let's do it again.皆の力あってこその勝利だ。これを繰り返していこう。
No need to rush things. Let's take our time to ensure we get results.急いては事を仕損じる。着実に成果を積み重ねよう。


I feel the hand of the goddess guiding me toward something new.新しい自分との出会い。これも女神の導きなのかもしれない。

5성 40레벨 달성

As a mercenary, I learned early on in life to accept that people die. It's the cold reality of the battlefield.
The more time I spend teaching, however, the more my perspective seems to change.
I don't want that for my students. I want them to be safe and happy. And I...don't want to lose them.
I'm sure you have a similar motive to fight. You strike me as that sort of person, [Summoner].
I imagine, as we spend time together, I will begin to feel that way about you as well. I suppose we'll find out.





오의 발동

This is a place of learning.ここも学び舎だ
This is how it's done.手本を示そう
So, what's your move?これはどうだ?
Show me what you've learned.成果を見せてくれ


Let this be a lesson…不甲斐…ないな…


This festival should prove interesting. I appreciate the invitation.面白そうな祭りだな。招待ありがとう。
What are you doing? Is this some kind of tradition I don't know about?……? これも祭りのしきたりなのか?
I imagine that a city devoted to the study of magic must be full of wonders.魔道を専門に学ぶ都市か…。興味深いものばかりだ。
For the sake of my students, I must use this sabbatical to learn as much as I can.生徒たちのためにもしっかり学んで帰らなければ。
A festival is a gathering for the enjoyment of its participants. Let's observe.祭りは楽しむもの? なるほど、それもそうだな…
It is a strange twist of fate, my being here. Yet I sense the goddess's hand in it, somehow.奇妙な縁だが…これも女神の導きか。
I promise you this: I will always use my power to strive for greater heights, no matter the circumstances.新たな力を身につけて、ますます励むと約束しよう。

아군 턴 터치

Let me think...悩むな…
All right.よし

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