포드라를 인도하는 자 벨레트/대사


My name is Byleth. I fight to bring an end to the chaos that has enveloped Fódlan.フォドラに巻き起こった戦乱…それを終わらせるべく、戦っているんだ。ベレト、と呼んでくれるか?

Even if it only lasted a year, my days at the Officers Academy continue to give me strength on the battlefield.わずか一年の間だったが、士官学校での日々は、戦場に生きる自分の支えとなっているよ。
I hope to never again find myself away from my friends when they are most in need...仲間の、一番大事な時にそばにいてやれない…そんな後悔を、もうしたくないんだ。
Have you ever had an experience that you couldn't tell anyone about?
Something like...visions of a girl who laughs with you, gets angry at you, and even cries for you?
No matter the battlefield, I'm always grateful to fight alongside allies willing to lend me their strength.
The same is true for you, right? In that case, let us train together.
I may never get answers to many of the questions I have about my life, but I will press on nevertheless.自分の生に、答えは出ない。だけど、ただ真っすぐに生きていくしかないんだ。

친구 방문

Sorry for dropping in suddenly. I was asked to bring you greetings from [Friend].お邪魔するよ。[フレンド]に頼まれて、挨拶に来たんだ。

레벨 업

I'll use this power for the greater good.この力、皆のために。
There's no turning back now.引き返すことはできないんだ。
Not my best.褒められた結果じゃないか。


Thank you. With this power, I can keep moving forward.ありがとう、これで前に進める。

5성 40레벨 달성

Even in this world, where so many Heroes have banded together, there is still no end to the cycle of conflict.
My heart is heavy having seen this.
How can I hope to quench the flames of war engulfing Fódlan? How can I wield my blade and seek peace?
Even so, I know a Hero does not yield—a Hero fights for their dream. Even if they may not live to see it.
I still struggle to see myself as such a Hero, but...despair is not an option I will allow myself.
I'm with you to the end. Allow me to demonstrate how my experience can be applied here and now!





오의 발동

For a new tomorrow!新たな世界を!
You cannot stop the flow of time!歩みは止めない!
I will protect you!守ってみせる!
Here is something to believe in!信じる者のため…!


So, this is how it ends...ここで…終わるのか…


Yes, this garb is ornate. It does make me stand out, I suppose.この姿が珍しいのか? …確かに、少し派手かもしれない。
Hmm? Did you need something?……? 何か用だろうか。
I can't hear Sothis's voice anymore...もうソティスの声は聞こえない…。
Here, we can all coexist, without strife.ここではみんな、争うことなく共にいられるんだな。
The goddess gifted me her power. In doing so, I was changed.女神が力を貸してくれた。だからこの姿に…
This may be one of the answers that I sought as I drifted through the flow of time...時のよすがを辿って見出した、これもひとつの答えか…
I will lend you my strength. Bring about a world where people can always smile.人々の笑顔を守るために、力を貸そう。

아군 턴 터치

Leave it to me.任せろ
Truly? I see...そうか…
It will be done.行ってくる

캐릭터 페이지로