완벽을 좇는 날개 마토이/대사


Hello, nice to meet you. I'm Caeldori, daughter of Subaki, a sky knight of Hoshido. I strive to be perfect like him.はじめまして、あたしはマトイといいます。白夜王国の天馬武者ツバキの娘です。父のように完璧を目指してがんばります。

There is nothing else for me to learn in the classroom. I need real combat training. This is just the place!座学の兵法は可能な限り消化したはず。あたしに必要なのは実地の訓練。願ってもない機会がやって来たわ……!
My knowledge of combat tactics, pegasus handling, and lancework could use some improvement!槍の腕、兵法の知恵、天馬の扱い。あたしはどれも、中途半端で。努力を重ねていくしかないんです。
I appreciate your concern, but I am fine.お気遣いありがとうございます。でも、あたしはまだ大丈夫です。
This castle's library is quite well organized. However, there were a few minor errors I saw to on my day off.この城の書庫はよく整理されていますが、帳面と記載が異なっている点が……はい、先日の休みに調べておきました。
My skills are no match for those of my father's, so I must take my training seriously.あたしは父と違い、凡人ですから。日々の研鑽を欠かすことはできません。

친구 방문

I am Caeldori, daughter of Subaki, a sky knight of utter perfection. I have a gift for you, to offer a friendly hello.あたしはマトイ。完璧で知られる天馬武者ツバキの娘です。挨拶には手土産、存じております。

레벨 업

Darting Blow! I'd say that wasn't too bad... But it's still a far cry from what my father could do.飛燕の一撃!……今のはうまく出来た気がするわ。まだ父さんの技には、ほど遠いけれど……
As long as my feet are planted on the battlefield, I will use every ounce of knowledge and skill I possess to win!戦場に立つ以上は武技と知略を尽くし、完璧な勝利を目指します!
I can't wrap my head around it... What could have gone wrong?ピンと来ない。何がいけなかったのかしら。


Thank you for looking out for me. I'm not always so sure about myself.ありがとうございます、見ていてくれて。自分のことは、自分ではよくわからないから。

5성 40레벨 달성

Eek, [Summoner]!
Huh? O-oh, this book? Um, I-I was just a bit interested, and...
No, no, I have no need for anything like this! I mean I, um, you know, have a wealth of romantic experience!
Nope, not me, I certainly don't have any troubles with love... *sigh* I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hide it.
But the person I'm in love with is... Hey, actually, I have a question. Is there anyone you're interested in?
Oh, um, I'm just asking as a friend!





오의 발동

Say your goodbyes!お別れよ!
I want to help!役に立ちたいの
I won't disappoint you.絶対に負けない!
You're not gonna like this!悪いわね!


Is this how it ends...こんな…はずじゃ…


I'm Caeldori, daughter of Subaki. It's wonderful to meet you!あたしはマトイといいます。父さんはツバキ。よろしくね。
Ah! Gods, you caught me in a daydream.きゃっ…!? やだ、あたしったら。ぼーっとしてたわ。
Is there a library here? I've committed most of the books I have at home to memory.図書館はどこ? 家にある書物はほとんど暗記してしまったの。
I'm not particularly concerned about my physique.別に、胸が小さいことを気にしてなんかないわよ?
Why do I always fall in love with men who never love me back?どうしてあたし、見込みのない人ばかり好きになるのかしら。
My father is just perfect! I have to work as hard as I can to catch up to him.もっと頑張らなきゃ。完璧な父さんに追いつけるように…
Don't worry, I'll keep training hard to improve!あなたのために、これからも完璧にがんばるわね!

아군 턴 터치

How can I help?ええ
Need me?どうする?
I'll handle it.片づけましょ

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