신출귀몰한 탐험가 드라제/대사


Locater of legendary riches! Genius! Explorer! Notorious treasure hunter Candace has arrived in Askr!神出鬼没正体不明のトレジャーハンター天才探検家ドラジェ様アスク王国にも颯爽と登場よ!

I seek the most valuable riches. Only genuine, one-of-a-kind treasures are good enough for me.あたしは価値のあるお宝しか狙わないの。唯一無二の輝きを持つお宝こそが、あたしにふさわしいわ。
You want to know who I really am? Hehe... That might be the greatest mystery of them all.あたしの正体を知りたいの?ふふ…それこそが世界で一番価値がある謎かもしれないわね。
No matter how clever the trap, I know I'll be able to evade it. Behold my impressive agility!どんな罠があってもあたしならすべて回避できちゃうわ。見なさい、この俊敏な身のこなし!
You won't always see me. Quick as a wink! That's my motto! I pop in with a flash and go out with a bang!いつでもあたしに会えるわけじゃないわ。なにせ神出鬼没があたしのモットーだからね。
Order of Heroes, huh? I hope they're heroic enough to keep pace with someone of my expertise.ヴァイス・ブレイヴの英雄はやせすぎじゃないの? もっと栄養を取らないと、いい仕事はできないわ。

친구 방문

I bet there's some excellent treasure here. This place is just as nice as [Friend] said.[フレンド]の言うとおりなかなかいい城じゃない。きっとすごいお宝が眠ってそうね。

레벨 업

Leave it to me! I have an explanation for every occasion!お宝のことならこのドラジェ様におまかせよ!
Surprised at how nimble I am? It takes lots of practice to get this good.予想外の動きだったかしら?あたしは体型のわりに素早いのよ。
What's this? Well, this is quite the disappointing outcome for such a notorious treasure hunter.あ、あら…?天才探検家にしては冴えない結果ね…。


Finally! A treasure suitable for one of my skill!いいじゃない!あたしにふさわしいお宝ね!

5성 40레벨 달성

Worlds of possibilities... I suppose the real treasure of Askr would be the so-called "gates to other worlds."
As you can imagine, the prospect of visiting different worlds holds a lot of appeal for a treasure hunter.
Hunting for treasures beyond Nohr and Hoshido in a variety of different worlds sounds thrilling, doesn't it?
You're going to tell me Askr's peace comes first, right? My keen treasure hunter's eyes read you like a book.
Have no fear! Peace is an unrivaled treasure for many, and I won't allow anyone to take it away.
If they try, I'll snatch it back in a flash with my unrivaled agility. Nothing is impossible for a genius, after all!





오의 발동

Here I go!行くわよー!
Leave it to me!お任せよ
No contest!敵うと思った?
Just try to catch me!素早いでしょ?


Candace defeated?!避けきれなかった…


I'm none other than Candace, the notorious treasure hunter!正体不明のトレジャーハンター、ドラジェ様とはあたしのことよ。
*yelp* Why, I never! You're behaving as though I've stolen something!ひゃあっ!? べ、別になにも取ったりしてないわよ?
If there's treasure to be found, leave it to Candace.お宝の事なら、このドラジェ様にお任せよ。
Well, well... It looks like there are mountains of treasure in this world, ripe for the picking!この世界にはお宝が山ほどありそうね。ゾクゾクするわ!
Some of these Heroes look a little green. Hope they can keep up with the likes of me.ここの英雄たち、みんなやせすぎじゃない? 頼りないわねえ。
There must be some scheme I can deploy to distract the prince and sneak into Askr Castle...何とかしてあの王子の目を欺いてアスク城に忍び込めないかしら…
Care for a game of tag? I'll warn you, though. I'm quick as a wink.あたし、こう見えて素早いわよ。追いかけっこしてみる?

아군 턴 터치

You called?ええ
Child's play!楽勝よ

캐릭터 페이지로