발렌시아의 희망 세리카/대사


I am Celica, princess of Zofia. I will lend my aid as a warrior priestess under Mila's divine protection.私はソフィア王国の王女、セリカ。女神ミラさまの加護とともに神官戦士としてあなたに力を貸すわ。

We are all human; disagreements are inevitable. But understanding becomes possible with effort.私たちも人間だもの。ときには誤解やすれ違いもある。だけど、必ずわかり合えるはずなの。
We cannot just stand by and watch as the flames of war spread across the world. We must all do what we can.戦火が広がる世界を前にして手をこまねいているだけじゃダメ。それぞれが、できることをやらないとね。
I made this outfit to resemble Alm's armor. That way, we need never be separated.この装束はアルムの鎧に似せて作ってみたの。ずっと一緒にいられるようにって。
The power of faith can change the future. I have learned this well on my ongoing journey to save Valentia.バレンシアを救う旅を続けるうちに信じ抜くことの大切さを知った。それが未来を変える力だったのよ。
To be considered a true warrior priestess, one must master sword and spell both.神官戦士たるもの剣も魔道も使いこなせなくては一人前とは言えないわ。

친구 방문

I am Celica, princess of Zofia. I offer a token of enduring amity from [Friend].私はセリカ。ソフィア王国の王女よ。[フレンド]から変わらぬ友情の証を届けに来たの。

레벨 업

With this power, I shall protect the land of the goddess Mila and all those I cherish!この力で…ミラさまの大地を守り抜く。大切な人たちとともに!
I feel my thoughts become power...感じる…想いが力に変わっていくのを。
I cannot give up on the future!未来をあきらめるわけにはいかない!


I must give thanks to the Earth Mother for her blessings.大地母神の恵みに感謝を…。

5성 40레벨 달성

I learned many lessons as I journeyed with my companions.
What was particularly etched into my mind was the need for the strength to protect others, wielded with love.
Ideals alone won't build the future; power alone won't win people's hearts.
To move forward, we need both fortitude and sympathy.
I live with the wills of my cherished friends, who strove to shape the future, and my prayers for peace.
I must stay strong and protect all that is dear to me—with Alm by my side forever!





오의 발동

May this land prosper.この地に実りを
I will protect everyone.みんなを守るわ
With Mila's strength...ミラさまのお力で…
Alm is with me!アルム、見ててね


Not yet...まだ…負けられないのに…


I feel invigorated—as if I've been reborn.生まれ変わったような、すがすがしい気分だわ。
Oh! Mischievous as ever, I see.きゃ…! いたずら好きは相変わらずね。
I feel so warm, it's as though the goddess Mila herself dwells within me.ミラさまの魂がこの身に宿っているように感じるの。温かい…
Alm and I can get through anything, so long as we're together.アルムと一緒なら、どんな困難も乗り越えていけると信じられるわ。
The strength to protect others, wielded with love—that is how you save the world.愛と、それを守る力…どちらもなければ、世界は救えない。
I hope always for peace and prosperity for Valentia.バレンシアの大地に実りと平穏がありますように。
You have earned my sincere devotion. I will never hesitate to fight for you.これからは、迷いのない心であなたのために戦えるわ。

아군 턴 터치

Lead the way.導いて
Where to?どこから?
I will not waver.もう迷わない

캐릭터 페이지로