리키아의 산고양이 챠드/대사


Name's Chad. I'm not the greatest fighter, but if you need any locks or pockets picked, I'm your guy.オレの名はチャド。戦いはあんまり得意じゃないが偵察や鍵開けなら、任せてくれ。

Hope the kids back at the orphanage are all right... Probably stuck waiting around with empty bellies.
Well, time to get out there. This money isn't gonna earn itself!
The orphanage I'm from never had much. And when war broke out, the work dried up, so...I did what I had to.オレのいた孤児院は、貧しくて…戦争が始まって満足に仕事もねえし、オレはこうするしかなかったんだ。
The caretaker always said, "Rest comes slowly when rushed." Relax a little sometime!…院長先生が言ってたぜ。休めるときはしっかり休むもんだって。
There are times when I worry about whether Lugh has what it takes... At least I know I can count on Raigh.ルゥのやつ、無茶してなけりゃいいが…あいつはいろいろ溜め込むからな。レイのほうは…しっかりしてるからな。
Man, the food here sure hits the spot! Wish I could bring some back to the orphans... Which reminds me!
I should grab a few more of those sweets—to share.

친구 방문

I'm Chad. I've got a gift for you from [Friend]. Here ya go.オレはチャド。[フレンド]からの土産、ほら、確かに渡したぜ…それで全部だ。

레벨 업

I gotta get stronger! The orphans are depending on me.チビたちのためにもオレはもっと強くなる!
No time to wait. I've got money to earn, and standing around's never earned me much.まだまだ稼ぎが必要なんだ。立ち止まりなんてしない。
Ugh... This is no time to get tripped up.ちくしょう…こんなとこで…つまずいてらんないんだよ…


For me? Really? Thank you... I owe ya one.オ、オレにくれんのか…?ありがとよ…恩は必ず返すからな。

5성 40레벨 달성

I've met all sorts of Heroes since coming here, but I wonder...why did they all become warriors?
I needed money, and quick. Cutting purses, wielding a blade...I did what it took to get what I needed.
But there's one thing the caretaker never let me forget... It is better to earn than to take.
Doesn't mean much to me when I've gotta look the orphans in the eyes when they're cold and hungry, but...
Now I'm just doing what I can here until I can get back. That's where you come in. Got work? Let me help.





오의 발동

Out of my way!邪魔はすんなよ
Gotta keep living...生きてくためだ
Take this!これでもくらえ!
I'll keep my family safe!失うわけにはいかない!


No! Why...here?ルゥ…ごめんな…


*bratty laugh*へへっ
My name's Chad. I want to fight—so let me help you.オレはチャドっていうんだ。一緒に戦わせてくれよ。
Whoa, hey! Man, you're like the little kids back at the orphanage...うわっ…!? なんだよ、孤児院のチビどもみたいなことすんなよな。
Lugh is almost too kind. I don’t think he could bring himself to really hurt anyone.ルゥは優しい奴で、本当は人を傷つけたりできないんだ。
Lugh always says that Raigh is nice deep down, but...I think it's just because they're brothers.ルゥはレイを優しいっていうけど、身内びいきじゃねえかなあ…?
I will avenge our caretaker... When Bern's time comes, I'll make sure they pay!オレは院長先生の仇を取るんだ。ベルンと戦う日がきたら、きっと…!
I can't stand to lose any more family—so I'm going to fight.もう大事な家族を失うわけにはいかない。そのために戦おうって決めた。
I might not be the most powerful person here, but...I'll do whatever I can to help.オレ、あんまりできることねえけど…あんたの役に立ちたいんだ。

아군 턴 터치

OK, fine.別にいいけど
You sure?本気か?
This is it, then!そうこなくっちゃ!

캐릭터 페이지로