밤의 별하늘의 마녀 카무이/대사


I'm Corrin. Leave it to me to light up this festival like a twinkling starry sky!私はカムイ。空にまたたくあの星々のように、祭りの夜を明るく照らします!

I'm told this is the garb of a witch who flies through the sky at night. Sounds like a Nohrian to me.この衣装、夜の星空の魔女というそうです。どことなく暗夜王国的な印象がありますね。どう思います?
Costumes are so interesting. Wearing one lets you become a completely different person for a while.仮装はおもしろいです。いつもとは違う自分になれるみたいで……
I like the idea of Nohr and Hoshido celebrating each other's fashions. It fosters mutual understanding.暗夜と白夜の人たちが、お互いの装束で仮装するお祭りなんて、おもしろそうですね。相手への理解が深まりそうです。
I have plenty of sweets. Would you like one? OK, open wide—here comes the candy broom!お菓子もちゃんと持ってますよ。ひとつ食べてみますか?それじゃあ……はい、あーんしてください?
See these bats? I trapped them in webs. That's what happens when you try to trick me!左の腰のコウモリ、気になりますか?これは…ほら、ミョーンと伸びる網なんです。いたずらする子は、つかまえちゃいますよ!

친구 방문

Want to join us for a harvest festival celebration? Get your costume and come to [Friend]'s![フレンド]さんの城では収穫祭のパレードの真最中なんですよ。おいでの際は仮装してくださいね!

레벨 업

Are you enjoying this harvest festival as much as I am?ハッピーフェスティバル!戦いは終わりました、握手をしましょう!
I won't stand for anyone getting in the way of others' dreams!みんなの夢を壊そうなんて人たちには、おしおきですから!
Oh no... I dropped the whole bag of candy...あっ……やだ。お菓子がこぼれて……あっ、あっ…もったいない……


Festivals are the best! Thank you!お祭りって最高です。ありがとうございます!

5성 40레벨 달성

Hi there! Nice to see you! Are you having a good time at tonight's festivities, [Summoner]?
Get this—I asked my siblings what they thought my costume was meant to be, and they all said "Nohr Noble."
Silly, right? It's got pumpkins and a broom and everything. I mean, I guess the colors are a bit Nohrian, but...
It got me thinking. It's interesting how people are drawn to what they know, even when they're far from home.
That could explain why we see some of the same things over and over again. Conflict, for example.
Sorry, I don't mean to be a downer. Enjoying the harvest festival is what matters now—let's get back to that!





오의 발동

Trick or treat!トリックオアトリート!
How's this?いたずらしますよ
Ready to be scared?びっくりさせます
Candy, please!お菓子をください!


I got tricked...いたずら…されちゃいました…


Trick or treat! I'm dressed like a witch today.トリックオアトリート! 今日の私は魔法使いです。
*surprise sound* Was that a trick? I'll give you a treat—just don't do that again.きゃっ…! いたずらですか? お菓子をあげますから許してください。
Believe it or not, I've been to a similar festival in my own world.以前、異界で似たようなお祭りに参加したことがあるんです。
After everyone collects heaps of candy, we all get together and enjoy the spoils, right? I can't wait!お祭りの後はみんなでご馳走を食べるんでしょう? 楽しみですね。
I can give my siblings treats, but only after they play a trick on me, right?きょうだいたちにお菓子をあげたいんですが、いたずらしてくれなくって…
If I were a real witch, I could probably help a lot of people.本当に魔法使いになれたら、みんなを幸せにできるのに…
You need a costume. Let's see... I know! How about an adorable wolf?あなたの仮装は…そうですね、可愛い狼なんてどうですか?

아군 턴 터치

As expected!さすがです
This way?こっちですか?
Costume parade!仮装行列ですね

캐릭터 페이지로