영웅지원 신시아/대사


I am Cynthia, hero of justice and daughter of legendary pegasus knight Sumia! Evil doers shall be punished!我こそは正義のヒーローシンシア!伝説の天馬騎士スミアの娘よ。悪い奴はみーんなあたしが成敗するわ!

Askr is so pretty... Just like Ylisse during peacetime! Let's do our best to protect this kingdom. We have to!アスク王国ってすっごく綺麗だよね。まるで平和だったころのイーリスみたい…この国はみんなで守ろうね、絶対!
In the future I'm from, my mother and I promised to make a lance together when she returned from battle.
But before she could fulfill that promise, she...
Whoa, whoa, whoa... You're patrolling again? You'll wear yourself out at this rate! Leave this to Cynthia the Hero!ちょっとちょっと、また見回り?任務ばっかりしてたら疲れちゃうよ。雑務はこの、英雄シンシア様に任せて!
You don't say anything special when you summon Heroes? You really need a cool catchphrase!
Something like... "Come forth, my Hero!" What do you think of that? Feel free to use it.
Let's see, what should I do for my next entrance... Showering myself in flower petals would be cool...
But explosions are pretty cool, too. Hey, maybe you could fire off your divine weapon to announce me?

친구 방문

Wings of Justice soaring over the battlefield... It's Cynthia, here to deliver a message!
Friendship is the greatest source of power for those who stand against evil!

레벨 업

Look upon my might, ye wicked, and despair!すごーい、こんなにパワーアップしたよ!
Battlemaiden Cynthia ups her game!戦乙女シンシア、もっとがんばっちゃうよ!
Eek... Being a hero is harder than I thought.ありゃ…ヒーローの道は遠いなぁー。


Thanks for the extra power. I'll become a great hero! Just watch!あたしに力をくれてありがとう!立派なヒーローになってみせるからね!

5성 40레벨 달성

I've been doing some thinking, and I came up with a cool way for the Order of Heroes to take the battlefield!
OK, so, picture this... We start with me, right? High up on a mountain, showering Heroes with flower petals.
Then, boom! You enter! You pose in the center of the group and raise your divine weapon as you declare—!
Huh? You think the enemy would strike before all this played out? Well, I guess you have a point...
I wanted to come up with this idea as a way to thank you, but I guess it's no good. On to plan B!
Which is just me saying... Thank you for giving me this power, and for calling me a Hero, and for...
Well, for generally looking out for me.
I still have a long way to go, and I may be sort of clumsy, but... Someday, I will be the Wings of Justice!
And when that day comes, I just know you and I will look so cool together in battle!
下では召喚師を中心としてポーズを決めて、神器を掲げてから一人ずつ名乗りを挙げて……え? そんなことしてる間にやられる?




I'll remember that.覚えてなさい!

오의 발동

Okay, you got this...頑張っちゃうよー!
Time to pay!成敗するわ!
I am the Wings of Justice!我こそは正義の翼!
An end to evil!悪い奴は許さない!


Was I...a hero?ヒーローに、なりたかったな…


I'm trying to come up with a cool way to make an entrance. Help me out!ねえねえ、かっこいい登場の仕方、一緒に考えよう!
No matter how fearsome the foe, Cynthia—the One-Woman Onslaught—will never shrink from the challenge!どんな敵でも、この戦乙女シンシアにおまかせよ!
I like it here. It's nice to be called a Hero.えへへ、英雄だなんて呼ばれて…ちょっと嬉しいかも
The Order of Heroes is so cool, so...heroic!特務機関ってかっこいいー! なんかすっごくヒーローっぽいよね!
Isn't this pegasus beautiful? She was my mother's. Y'know...back when... Yeah.あたしのペガサス、綺麗でしょ? 母さんの形見なんだ
I'll always remember the promise my mother made. Always.死んじゃった母さんとの約束…あたしは、今も覚えてるの…
I fight to save the world—any world! My hope is to become a true hero, even if nobody notices me doing it!誰に認めてもらえなくても、あたしは戦うよ。本物のヒーローになって、どんな世界も救ってみせるんだから!

아군 턴 터치

Here goes nothin'!シンシア、参ります!

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