청사자의 수호자 디미트리/대사


I am Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd, heir to the throne of Faerghus. I hereby devote myself to your cause.ファーガスの王位継承者、ディミトリ=アレクサンドル=ブレーダッド。これよりは我が刃、お前のために振るおう。

Honor gained by killing is worthless. When killers are labeled Heroes...that is the most despicable "honor" of all.人を殺めて得た誉れに、価値などない。…本来ならば「英雄」など、何よりも、誰よりも蔑まれて然るべき存在なのにな。
So many loved ones lost... Father. Stepmother. Friends. Allies. I alone can silence their pleas for revenge.父も継母も、友も、仲間も…皆、死んだ。仇敵の首を墓前に捧げるその日まで、きっと、彼らの魂が救われることはない…。
One rarely succeeds without help from others. If you need help, you can turn to me, or any of us.一人の力で成せることは、意外と少ない。困った時にはいつでも俺や、皆を頼れ。俺たちはお前を支えるためにいるのだから。
Perhaps you can give me a tour of this land? It's so warm and bountiful, a far cry from my own homeland.城下や村々の案内を頼めないか。この国の豊かさの理由が知りたいんだ。俺の故郷は、寒く、貧しい土地だからな。
As someone who learned to fight before learning to read, I am most relaxed when training. Care to join?筆より先に武器を握って育った身としては、こうして稽古をしている間が一番落ち着く。もし嫌でなければ、お前も一緒にどうだ?

친구 방문

My apologies for the intrusion, but [Friend] asked me to send their regards.すまない、邪魔をする。[フレンド]から、伝言を預かってきた。よろしく頼む。

레벨 업

Impressive as this result is, I will not allow myself to become complacent.この結果に奢らず、今後も励まなくてはな。
I will not lose anyone else. Never again...もう、誰も死なせはしない…。
A disappointing result, but I will persevere.腐らず、地道に鍛えるとしよう。


You have my thanks. I will prove myself worthy of your trust.…感謝する。必ずや、お前の信頼に応えてみせよう。

5성 40레벨 달성

I never expected to stand beside you for this long. In truth, I was more than willing to give my life to your cause.
I am grateful to you, [Summoner]...
That's why I need to say this... You should stay far, far away from me.
No need to look so shocked. I did not mean right now. I know I have a duty to help you save this world.
I will protect you no matter the cost. But when the day finally comes that you no longer need Heroes...
Forget about men like me who are stained with blood. Live in happiness. That is my hope for you, dear friend.





오의 발동

Let's see you dodge this.かわせるか!
I won't be deterred!押し通る!
Stand down.どいてもらうぞ!
Right where I want you.もらった!


Is this...where it ends...俺は…こんなところで…


Justice is not reason enough to battle. I firmly believe that.正義を掲げる戦いほど、醜悪なものはない…俺は、そう思う。
Please don't sneak up on me. I nearly snapped my lance in two...…あまり驚かせるな。つい槍をへし折るところだっただろ…
Me? I’m fine. It was just a nightmare. I would rather not speak of it, but I would be grateful for your company right now.…少し、悪い夢を見た。…今だけでいい。何も聞かず…そこに、いてくれ。
No matter the reason, it is evil to kill. I cannot forget that so easily...理由はどうあれ人を殺すのは悪しき行いだ。そう簡単に割り切れはしない…
Do you recall the faces of those who have fallen? I do...お前は…これまでに死んでいった者たちの顔を、覚えているか?
Not a soul in this world dies without knowing regret and hatred.無念も憎悪も抱かずに死んでゆく者など、どこにもいない。
I have placed my life in your hands. Use it as you see fit.ああ、お前に預けた命だ、好きに使え。ただし…いいや。何でもない。

아군 턴 터치

Of course.ああ
What's next?どうする
I'll cut through!斬り込むぞ

캐릭터 페이지로