마음씨 고운 궁수 도로시/대사


My name is Dorothy. I'm Father Saul's bodyguard... Oh, where did he run off to now?私はドロシー。サウル神父さまの護衛をしています。神父さま、どこですか~?

Wow, it looks like there are a lot of expert archers here. I'd like to learn a thing or two from them if I can...弓使いの名人がたくさんいるみたい。いろいろ教わってみたいな……
Ugh, it's people like Father Saul that muddy Saint Elimine's good name!
Imagine, pretending to deliver holy teachings while just chatting up every girl you see...
I want to heal the injured, just like Father Saul and Bishop Yoder. I pray to the holy one about it every day.私も神父さまやヨーデルさまみたいに奇跡の力でけがした人を治してあげたい。だから毎日、神さまにお祈りしています。
How to approach them... "Hey, that's a nice bow, can I touch it?" Argh, no, no, that's all wrong...
Come on, Dorothy, you need to be more natural...
"Come, one and all! Pledge yourself to Saint Elimine and all of your problems will instantly be solved!"
Good grief, Father Saul, again with these fliers?

친구 방문

Wow, what a beautiful castle! Here, I have a delivery for you from your friend [Friend].[召喚師]さんですか?これ、[フレンド]さんからです。やった……お役に立てた!

레벨 업

Oh, yes! That's good, right? I think that went really well!うん、うんうん!今のは…すっごくうまくいった!
I'm so sorry, but please move out of the way! I need to track down Father Saul before he gets into trouble!ごめんなさい、どいてくださ~い!神父さまを探さなきゃいけないんです。
I tend to get scared when I go into an actual battle... My nerves make it so I can't move my body like I want to...私、実戦となると、少し恐くて……どうしても緊張してしまうみたいで。思うように動けないというか……はあ。


I'm not so sure I deserve this, but... I-I'll try my best!自信ありませんけど……

5성 40레벨 달성

OK, Dorothy, time to get some good training in so you're not a burden on the other Heroes... Ah!
Watch out!
I-I'm so sorry! I tried to aim for the target, but the arrow flew over this way instead, a-and—
Oh gosh, get it together, Dorothy! You're not hurt, are you? I am so terribly sorry!
A-are you sure you're all right? Whew...that's good. You're such a kind person, Summoner.
You've got these incredible powers, but you're still so humble...
Father Saul could learn a thing or two from you!





오의 발동

This is going to hurt!痛いですよ!
Faith, guide my arrow!信じる力で…!
Trying not to panic!き、緊張…!
I think I can do this!上手くいきそう!


Saint Elimine...エリミーヌ…さま……


My name is Dorothy. I'm Father Saul's bodyguard.私はドロシー。サウル神父さまの護衛をしています。
Aah! Please don't do that again. Oh, my poor nerves...ひゃっ…!? 何するんですか? 驚いたなあ…
There are so many archers here... I hope I can learn from them.ここには弓使いの人がたくさんいるんですね。いろいろ教えてほしいです。
Have you seen Lady Clarine? Oh... Just Clarine, since we're friends. *giggle*クラリーネさん…いや、クラリーネは友達なんです。えへへ…
I can't find Father Saul anywhere... Oh no, what is he up to this time?神父さま、どこですか? もう、すぐふらふらするんだから。
I wish I could do more to help people. I'd love to heal the sick and injured with holy power...私も神さまの奇跡の力で、けがしてる人を助けてあげたいなあ…
I want to be of use to you. If you need anything at all, please let me know.あなたのお役に立ちたいです。何でも言ってください。

아군 턴 터치

You got it!はい
I'll give it a shot.やってみます

캐릭터 페이지로