흑수리를 잇는 자 에델가르트/대사


I am Edelgard von Hresvelg, heir apparent of the Adrestian Empire. I will follow you, but I bow to no one.私はアドラステアの皇位継承者、エーデルガルト=フォン=フレスベルグ。私に命ずるなら、相応の覚悟を持つことね。

As a princess myself, I feel sympathy for Princess Veronica. I wonder if she is acting of her own volition.同じ皇女としては、ヴェロニカ殿のことが気にかかるわね。自分の意志でないのなら、私が解き放ってあげたい…
My father, the Adrestian emperor, was stripped of his power. As his successor, I will reclaim what he lost.今のアドラステア皇帝である私の父は、大貴族たちによって権能を奪われた…。私はそれを取り戻す。準備もできているわ。
Having been thrust into an unfamiliar world, I find it difficult to feel at ease. Perhaps you know the feeling.貴方は私とは立場が異なるのかしら。いずれにせよ、見知らぬ異境では、心休まる時間も少ないでしょうね。
Your enemies are similar to my foes in my own world. We may both stand to learn from our time together.ここには、私の討つべき「敵」と似た者もいる…知識を得る良い機会だわ。貴方も新しいことを学んでみたら?
Excuse me. I was taking a moment to rest. In my own world, I was so busy that I rarely had the time.…少しごろごろしていたの。たまにはいいでしょう?帝国ではする暇などなかったのだから。

친구 방문

I was asked to say hello to you. Now that I have, I will take my leave.[フレンド]から貴方に、よろしくとの言伝よ。確かに伝えたから。

레벨 업

I am always getting stronger.私は強くなるわ。
A step forward.一歩前進、かしら。
An underwhelming result... I will not let it happen again.いまいちね…まったく。


Watch as I master this new power.これが新しい力…使いこなしてみせる。

5성 40레벨 달성

You tend to look at me as though you expect me to leave at any moment. I suppose it can't be helped.
You need not worry, however. Even if I did not care about this country and its people...
For the sake of my own ambitions, I would still be sure to see this effort to its end. I promise you that.
Remember who I am. I am Edelgard von Hresvelg, and I am sworn to help you vanquish your enemies.
With my allegiance to your cause, victory is a foregone conclusion.





오의 발동

I will prevail!私が勝つわ!
I'll strike you down!叩き伏せる!
Don't waste my time.邪魔しないで!
Watch this!これでどう!?


I can't die...not yet...こんな…道半ばで…


I'm a student at the Officer's Academy. For now.この格好は、ガルグ=マクの士官学校のものよ。生徒なの…今は、ね。
Gah! Please don't do that!きゃっ…何? 冗談ならやめなさい。
A painting? ...MY painting?! But how did you... Leave. Now. I have urgent business to attend to!何?今は絵を描いて……!?いつの間に!見てはだめ!早く後ろを向きなさい!!
My strength is due, in part, to the power of Crests.何で軽々と斧を振り回せるのか? …紋章の力のおかげよ。
I value this experience. In my future, a massive battle awaits...良い経験になるわ。この先、私に待っている、大きな戦いのためのね。
All obstacles will be crushed...without exception.もし障害となるのならば…何であっても叩き潰す。
Please use me well. Together, we cannot lose.せいぜい上手く私を使いなさい。私たちであれば、負けるはずもないわ。

아군 턴 터치

Very well.ええ
Well then?どうするの?
I will go.行くわ

캐릭터 페이지로