강한 완력을 지닌 영애 에티에/대사


I'm Etie, a royal knight of Firene and Prince Alfred's retainer. Can you... point me toward the training area?あたくしはフィレネ王城騎士、エーティエ。アルフレッド様の臣下ですの。早速ですが、筋肉の鍛錬をしても?

Moving your body can cure what ails you... It's true! When I'm sad, I just go for a run. The problem solves itself!大抵の悩みは体を動かせば解決する…それは本当ですのよ。あたくしはいつも、悲嘆や苦悩を、走って忘れますの。
Retainers of Firene answer to the queen. Growing up with Princess Céline, I thought I would serve her...
Imagine my surprise when I got a different assignment.
When your body gets worn out, you need to rest your muscles so they can recover. Why not give it a try?体が怠い時は筋肉も疲れていますわ。拠点を走り込みたいのをぐっと堪えて、休んでみては如何ですこと?
I whipped up some new muscle balm. I made it with Askran ingredients that seemed good for sore muscles.新しい筋肉増強剤を作ってみましたの。筋肉に良さそうなアスクの食材を使って…味? 味見はまだしていませんわね。
I'm planning to water the flowers... It can be a good workout if the watering can is full enough!これから花の水やりをしますの。もっと沢山水の入る如雨露があれば、負荷が大きくなって良いのですけれど。

친구 방문

I ran all the way here to deliver you a friendly message from [Friend]![フレンド]さんから、友好の挨拶を届けに参りましたの。ふう…良い運動になりましたわ。

레벨 업

I'm full of energy! I hope I can make good use of it!漲ってまいりましたわ。早くこの筋力を試させてくださいまし。
Results like this come naturally after putting in the work building muscles like these.当然の結果ですわ。これからも、強靭な肉体のために。
Oh no! Time to visit the training grounds, I guess.あらまあ。鍛錬が足りませんでしたわね。


Thank you! This will make me stronger for sure.ありがとうございます。力が漲りますわ。

5성 40레벨 달성

I appreciate you giving me a place to use my strength. So, let me say thank you, [Summoner].
As a token of my gratitude, I would like to give you flowers from Firene, but they don't grow here, so...
I picked you some Askran flowers instead. I found them growing around the castle.
May they bring you strength and the eternal affection you deserve.
Anytime you need me, don't hesitate. My bow and my strength are yours.
Even if it's just to open a jar with a stuck lid, I'll come running!
え? なら、固い瓶の蓋を開けて欲しい?構いませんわ。気軽に呼んでくださいまし。それがいつでも、走って馳せ参じましょう。





오의 발동

Scatter like petals!花と散りなさいな!
I've got muscle to spare!力が有り余ってますの!
To strength!強靭な肉体の為に!
Heavy draw!いい負荷ですわ!




I like to build a lean physique to emphasize agility. Tone before bulk.その辺りの筋肉が気になりますのね? お目が高いですわ。
Hey, watch it! That arm's sore from lifting.まあ…! そこを鍛えている途中だと、なぜわかりましたの?
You're always running around. I respect that.あなたはいつも走りまわっていらっしゃいますけれど…理解していますわ、鍛錬ですわね?
That divine weapon of yours looks like it's got some heft. Mind if I give it a try?その神器、重いものだとお見受けしますわ。いかほどの負荷をおかけなのかしら。
Is it teatime? Let me go get my weighted cups.お茶の時間? では特注の、底に鉛を仕込んだティーカップを持参いたしますわね。
The flowers of Askr are beautiful, too. I’m so glad.この世界でも美しい花を拝見できて、嬉しいですわ。
I'd love for you to see the fields where I'm from. They're full of beautiful flowers... I'll show you—on a nice, long run.あたくしの故郷は、美しく広大な花畑を有していますの。いつかあなたの事も、お連れしたいですわ。ええ、勿論…花を見ながら走り込みましょう。

아군 턴 터치

Where to?どちらに?
Let me at 'em.走りましょう

캐릭터 페이지로