때묻지 않는 백익 피오라/대사


I am Fiora, Pegasus Knight of Ilia. If you wish, I will swear an oath to you, and my strength will be yours.私はイリアの天馬騎士、フィオーラ。望まれるならば騎士の誓いを交わし、貴方の力となりましょう。

I know the circumstances by which everyone arrived here are different, but some here are far too...friendly!
A proper fighting force should have a solid moral grounding!
Lord Pent dispatched my squad to investigate the Dread Isle. There, we were ambushed, and...and they all—私たちは、パント様の命により魔の島の調査を行っていました。でも、襲撃を受けて仲間の騎士は…
Discipline demands order in life. So... are you getting enough sleep? I must insist you turn in early tonight.規律ある軍に欠かせないもの、それは規則正しい生活です。さ、今夜はお早くお休みください。
As a mercenary, I rely on others for work, so I must always prove myself worth my price. That is why I train.私は雇われの傭兵騎士ですから、実力なくして糧を保つことは適いません。ゆえに、訓練は欠かせないのです。
A mercenary's grooming must be sufficient to allow them to remain in the presence of their employer.
That said, I may be due for a bath...

친구 방문

I am Fiora. I offer you greetings as an envoy of [Friend].フィオーラと申します。[フレンド]様の使いで参りました。

레벨 업

I will do my best not to betray your trust in my skills.信頼におこたえすべく更に仕事に励みます。
The secret to true strength is in the little steps taken toward your goals each and every day.日々の努力の積み重ねが、実力を確かにする秘訣よ。
Oh, no...no... This can't be happening. Not again...これではまるで、あのときの二の舞…


Your generous patronage is much appreciated. I will do all I can to make it worth the price.過分な配慮、感謝します。ご期待に沿えるよう、努めます。

5성 40레벨 달성

I must thank you from the bottom of my heart for the consideration you've shown me, [Summoner].
However, I must remind you, I am a Pegasus Knight of Ilia. My place is on the battlefield, facing your foes.
From that, I require no safeguard. We knights of Ilia live as mercenaries, sending our earnings back home.
You are...kind to think of my needs, particularly as far as my safety is concerned. But, remember this...
Nothing makes me happier than a chance to defy my employer's expectations on the battlefield.
I hope you will continue to give me chances to do just that.


(attack exertion)たあっ
Here I go!いきます!


(damage exertion)くっ…
I let my guard down!油断したわ…!

오의 발동

I will complete my mission.任務を遂行します
I can fight on my own.一人でも戦える…
This is my job.傭兵ですから
I'll show them a thing or two.やっつけてあげる!


I misjudged our situation…判断ミスだわ…


I am Fiora, a pegasus knight. Whatever the mission, I will give it my all.私は天馬騎士のフィオーラ。何なりと任務をお与えください。
Eek! You're like a child! You put me in mind of my sisters.きゃっ! …子供のようなことをするのね。妹たちを思い出すわ。
I bet I'm the worst sister in Ilia... We're always fighting.私、イリアで一番ダメな姉さんだわ…妹とすぐケンカしてしまうの。
Ilia is cold and snowy. That's why I'm in a foreign land working as a mercenary.イリアはとても雪深い国なの。だから傭兵として他国で働いているのよ。
We should ensure the proper conduct of all. People's minds are not focused on their duties...色恋におぼれて任務をおろそかにするなんて良くないわ。そう思わない?
No matter how many tears we shed, the snow will not melt. Better to fight for my homeland.いくら嘆いても、故郷の雪は解けてはくれません。私は戦わなければ…
I would continue fighting for you. Please, let me be of aid.これからも、あなたのために戦わせてください。それが私の願いです。

아군 턴 터치

Oh, I see.そう…
I'll fulfill our duty.果たしてみせる!

캐릭터 페이지로