어둠에 군림하는 마왕 포데스/대사


Lament, weep, despair! Wail, scream, tremble! The Demon King is risen!悲嘆せよ、狂乱せよ、絶望せよ!嘆き、わめき、震えるがいい!このときをもって我――魔王は再臨した!!

The manaketes' power has waned. Morva has been subdued. All that remains is to shatter the stones...時間はかかったが、竜人どもの力は削いだ。長のムルヴァをも我が門に押さえたのだ。あとは全ての【聖石】を砕きさえすれば……
Humans are demons' preferred prey. They are so wonderfully vulnerable to their own grief and resentment...我ら魔の者が人間を好む理由はな。被る皮をどう繕おうと、その中身は嘆きと恨みに満ちているところだ。
Does this form frighten you? Ha. I can take on another, if you so wish.くはははは……魔王の姿がおそろしいか。汝の好きな姿に変じてやってもよいのだぞ。
It is inconvenient to move about the castle in this form. Perhaps I should borrow the body of an Askran noble...我が姿は城下を出回るには不都合。この国でも王族の何者かの体を借りて権現するとしようか……ふふふ…
You still refuse to surrender, fragile prince? Even after your body and mind belong to me?この身もこの心も、すべては我がもの。だというのに…弱き皇子め…まだ、諦めておらぬのか…

친구 방문

Hmm... Which is a more fitting vessel for me to possess? Shall I take you... or [Friend]?こやつが[召喚師]か。[フレンド]と汝、我が憑代にふさわしいのはどちらか……

레벨 업

I will taint this pathetic land, corrupt these foolish humans, and reign for eternity as the Demon King!我が不浄の光を注いでやろう。この哀れな地に、愚かな人間どもに。永遠に、この魔王をおそれるがいい!
Wither and rot under my destructive power! Face your demise if you dare! Approach the gates of my domain!我が滅びの拳を見るがいい!潰れ、腐り、朽ちゆくのだ。死して我が門に下れ!
If your mood is influenced by these pointless fluctuations, then you are a miserably shallow fool.この程度の揺らぎに一喜一憂するとはそれこそ人の浅はかさというもの。惑いながら、漆黒の悪夢に沈むがいい!


A sensible one, you are. I shall remember your name.ほう……気が利くではないか。汝の名、おぼえておくぞ!

5성 40레벨 달성

What is it you seek from the Demon King, [Summoner]?
Eternal life? The resurrection of one you have lost? I am the master of death. Nothing is beyond me!
Of course, the corruption of life and death is evil. But why should we not seize the power of evil for ourselves?
Evil can never be destroyed. The Fire Emblem and the Sacred Stones can never vanquish it.
Let us grasp true darkness, you and I. Let us rise up, corrupt the land, and rule over all of these maggots!





오의 발동

Lament your fate.悲嘆せよ
Weep for the dead.狂乱せよ
Despair for the living.絶望せよ
Wail and tremble in grief.震えるがいい


I will persist.我は…滅ばぬ…


I am Fomortiis. I am returned.我はフォデス。我はここに再臨した。
You dare lay a hand upon me?愚かな…何の許しを得て我に触れる?
It was I who planted the seed from which Lyon's ambitions grew.リオンは我のしもべとして動いていたにすぎぬ…
My deceit made Lyon my puppet, and oh, how he danced at the end of my strings.すべては我が術中…我が掌の上よ。
Grado's disaster cannot be averted.グラドの災いは止められぬ。
Do you still intend to oppose me, fragile prince?リオンめ…まだ抗うというのか…
Do not think yourself capable of containing me.我を封じられると思うな…

아군 턴 터치

If I must.よかろう
Grovel in awe.ひれ伏すがいい

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