허무의 왕 긴눈가가프/대사


I am Ginnungagap, destroyer of all dreams, the ruin of hope... I rule the nothingness.我は虚無の王ギンヌンガガプ。すべての夢想を破壊する者。すべての希望を否定する者。

I hold no grudge against the Lady of Nightmare or her álfar. It is my purpose to end them. That is all.我は悪夢の女王フレイヤや妖精たちを憎んではいない。ただ、滅ぼす。それだけのこと。
I am the ruler of nothingness. I exist by necessity. The ephemera of the past your kind carries means nothing.我は虚無の王。我はただ存在するのみ。人間や妖精のごとき過去も感情も、無縁。
Commanding the ruler of nothingness is a feat no god could accomplish. Yet you, a mortal...虚無の王をも支配する…そのような所業は神にさえ不可能。だが、人間ならば…
The stone of this castle has no heart. It has no hopes or dreams. It has no preferences. It is like me in this way.この城の石柱に、心などない。夢も好悪もあろうはずがない。我もまた同じ。
What is it that you desire from me? Spout no dream nonsense. What is it, really, that you wish for yourself?この虚無の王に何を望む?曖昧な夢ではなく、確実な現の望みを言うが良い。

친구 방문

I rule nothingness. Dreams are far beneath me—unnecessary. The only reality is that which exists.我は虚無の王。人には夢など無用。ただ現こそが真。

레벨 업

This is the power that rules over nothingness.これが、虚無の王の力。
Nothingness is the path all mortals should walk.虚無こそ、人が目指すべき道。
The dreams of mortals cloud my power...人の夢が、我が力を鈍らせる…


Nothingness is eternal. I am without end.虚無の王は不変。ただ、存在するのみ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Confusing their dreams for reality is what led mortals off the path.
The delusion must end.
The world you call your home is what all worlds must become, [Summoner]...
Mortals must discard their dreams and return to the world of facts, logic...consistency.
It is the fate of every world, eventually, no matter the path they choose to arrive there.
To fight it is futile.





오의 발동

I forbid you.許可しない
Into oblivion!露と消えよ!
Nothingness reigns.虚無の王の名において
Dream no more.夢よ、潰えよ


A fleeting escape...あってはならない…


I am the ruler of nothingness. I am the ender of dreams.我は虚無の王。すべての夢想を破壊する者。
You will not touch me.…我に触れることは許可しない。
No álfar will be tolerated.曖昧で不確実な夢の妖精。お前たちの存在を許しはしない。
You have but one choice: abandon hope.貴様たちに許されるのは、すべてをあきらめることのみ。
Wail. Your cries cannot change reality.嘆こうと叫ぼうと、事実は変わらない。
No dream survives.我が鋼に貫かれた夢は、砕けて消える。
I will see your hopes remain ever out of reach.お前の望みを叶えさせはしない。

아군 턴 터치

I will allow this.許可する
Oblivion awaits.滅びと共に…

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