질풍의 운반책 하르/대사


I'm Haar. I run cargo. Not sure how I ended up dressed like this, exactly, but I'm willing to roll with it.俺は運び屋のハール。ゆえあって今はこんな格好だが…お祭りなんだろ? 真面目にやるさ。

There's nothing more exhausting than dealing with incompetent leadership. It's a problem anywhere you go.ダメな主に仕えることほど魂をすり減らすことはない。どの世界でも、そいつは同じだ。
I prefer not to draw attention to myself, so you could say I have an appreciation for a ninja's abilities.もともと目立つことは嫌いでね。その点、忍者ってやつはいいな。人目につかないところで立ち回れる。
I've had some practice muffling my footsteps. It's handy when I want to sneak off for a nap.忍び足? そこそこ得意だよ。こっそり訓練を抜け出してよく昼寝をしていたからな。
If you need anything moved, I'm your man. Whether it's treasure or trade secrets, your cargo's safe with me.なにかを運ぶ仕事なら任せておけ。機密文書だろうがお宝だろうがきっちりと運んでやるよ。
This outfit is perfect for blending into the shadows. Just what I need when I'm looking to sleep uninterrupted.この装束は悪くないな。目立たずに昼寝ができ…おっと今のは聞かなかったことにしてくれ。

친구 방문

Got a special cargo delivery here with your name on it. Take a look—says it's from [Friend].[召喚師]だな?[フレンド]から密書を預かってきた。確かに渡したぜ?

레벨 업

Thought I was asleep? Joke's on you. Maybe you're the one who should be paying more attention.寝ていると思ったか? 残念だったな。お前の油断を誘っていたのさ。
The best way to blend in? Just be as average as possible. Works for me.よっと…こんなもんか?目立たず騒がず、ほどほどの結果でな。
I kind of like working in the dark. The only real problem is the constant temptation to fall sleep.目立たずに闇に忍ぶのは悪くないがじっとしていると眠くなっちまうんだよな。


If you really think that highly of me, I guess the least I can do is try not to disappoint you.そんなに期待されたら働かないわけにはいかないだろうよ。

5성 40레벨 달성

*yawn* Oh, it's you. No, I'm awake. Just trying out a technique that one of the ninja taught me.
No, really! The point is to let your target think you're asleep and then strike while their guard is down.
You seriously think I'm making this up? Feel free to put me to the test. Just, uh, let me know beforehand.
Anyway, I appreciate you checking in. Are you actually checking up on all the festivalgoers one at a time?
Sounds exhausting. And maybe a bit controlling. But I guess it's a comfort to know you're looking out for us.
Tell you what—if it makes you feel better, I'll get all my duties taken care of before I take my nap. Sound OK?
ふぁ~…ん? お前か。大丈夫、寝てはいないさ。ちゃんと祭りに参加している。





오의 발동

Nothing personal.悪く思うなよ
It's over.終わらせるぜ
Agh! More work!人使いの荒い…


Just my luck...ちっ…ついてない……


What exactly have you gotten me into here?何だか妙な祭りに担ぎ出されちまったな…
Watch your hands. You could hurt yourself.ん? ベタベタ触るなよ。怪我するぞ。
I figure somebody else would enjoy this getup more than me.こういうのは他の奴らの方が喜んでやるだろうに。
Espionage is very useful. No denying that.諜報活動ってのは重要なもんだ。まあ、得るものもあるだろ。
*yawn* Huh? No, of course I'm awake. Don't you trust me?ふぁ…。いや、寝てねえって。信用ねえな。
I bet a peaceful scene like this would've made General Shiharam very happy.こんな平和な光景が、隊長の望みだったのかな…
I could use a nap. Know any quiet spots around here?なあ、抜け出して一緒に昼寝しねえか?

아군 턴 터치

Uh huh...えーっと…
Here goes.よいしょっと…

캐릭터 페이지로