열풍성의 주술사 츠쿠요미/대사


I am Hayato, a diviner from the Wind Tribe. You clearly have Lady Luck's favor, for I have decided to aid you.私は風の部族の呪い師、ツクヨミだ。お前たちは運がいい。この私が力を貸してやろうというのだからな。

This castle is pointlessly large and poorly lit. *whimper* I am not afraid. Ghosts do not exist... They do not...この城は無駄に広くて暗がりも多い…。ううっ、怯えてなどいないぞ。お化けなんていない…いないのだ…。
I aided Corrin at the chief of the Wind Tribe's request, not as some excuse to get out and see the world.私がカムイたちに力を貸したのは風の部族の族長に頼まれたからだ。外の世界を見たい気持ちだけではないぞ。
Ah! Don't just come up and start talking to me! All the time I spent on this charm... I have to start over now!わあ! い、いきなり話しかけるでない!せっかく書いたまじない札をまた書き直すハメになるであろう!
Many in the Order of Heroes are still children. B-but, not me. I am far too mature an adult to play with them.ヴァイス・ブレイヴには年端もいかぬ英雄も多いのだな…。ま、まあ私はもう大人ゆえ、ともに戯れはしないがな。
It is pointless teasing me. I cast a spell that will send anyone who tries to do so whirling away in a tornado!私をからかおうとしても無駄だぞ。私をからかおうとするものを竜巻で吹き飛ばすまじないをかけたからな!

친구 방문

Of course, I can deliver a message on my own! I'm not a child! Curse you for doubting, [Friend]![フレンド]め…一人で使いに行けるか? などとこのツクヨミを子ども扱いしおって…。

레벨 업

Did you see what I did?! Nothing is beyond me!見たか! 私に不可能などありはしないのだ!
Heheh. No less than everyone should have expected.ふふん。これくらいは当然だな。
Urgh! This cannot be the limit of my power!くうっ…!私の力はこんなものではない!


Not bad. I shall accept this with appropriate gratitude.悪くはないな。ありがたく受け取ってやろう。

5성 40레벨 달성

I had never left the Wind Tribe village until I met Corrin.
Traveling with Corrin's entourage showed me that the world is vast and filled with such a variety of things.
But the world is so much more than just Hoshido and Nohr.
Other worlds connected through Askr hold countless sights I have yet to behold, all just waiting to be seen!
I yearn to see more! I want to travel to all the lands! Don't you want to do the same? You could accompany me.
...N-not because I would be lonely out there, but I would allow you to carry my bags if you wish!





오의 발동

You're no match for me.相手にならぬわ
You underestimated me.呪われるがいい
Your time is at an end.戯れてやろう!
Learned your lesson?思い知ったか!




I caught that look! Don't think I didn't!子供ではない。私はツクヨミだ。
Whoa! You could try acting more mature!わわっ!? こ、子供じみた真似をするでない!
I'm not being conceited when I say that you would be lucky to have me on your team.この私を仲間にできるなど、お前たちは運がいい。
This paper contains very special charms of my own creation. They are extremely effective.私のまじない札はそんじょそこらのとは効き目が違う。
Of course I go out on my own at night. I-I have nothing to fear.別に、夜に一人で外に出ることなど何でもないぞ?
How often must I remind Fuga that I am no longer a child?フウガ様は過保護が過ぎる。私はもう大人なのに…
You should be grateful I am going to aid you in your endeavor.特別に力を貸してやるから、感謝しろ。

아군 턴 터치

Is that so?ふむ…
What's our move?どうするのだ?
I shall go.行ってやろう

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