게으름뱅이 성야 힐다/대사


Hilda here! Hm? You want help with the winter festival? I'll do it, but don't get your hopes up too much, OK?ヒルダちゃんに何かご用ですかー?んんっ? 冬祭りのお手伝い…。やってはみるけど、期待しないでねー。

You know what you deserve even more than all these gifts? You need a break, [Summoner]![召喚師]さんの欲しいプレゼント、当ててみようかなー?ずばり、休暇が欲しい! …違った?
My brother always gives the most amazing gifts. I can't wait to see what he comes up with this year.毎年この季節になると兄さんからもらうプレゼントが楽しみだったのよねー。
Sephiran and Bernadetta are pitching in with the festival, huh? I, um...better give them a hand.セフェランさんやベルナデッタちゃんもお祭りのお手伝いしてるんだー?向こうも苦戦してそうだねー。
Festivals can be pretty exhausting, but the cute clothes make it worth the effort.面倒くさいのは嫌だけどー、こういう可愛い衣装を着れるのなら意外と悪くはないかもー。
You ever wonder how great these festivals would be if Claude used his scheming talent for party planning?こういうお祭りは、クロードくんとかに任せておけばいいのよー。すっごく張り切りそうじゃない?

친구 방문

Brrr! Could you show me to the fire? I can't believe I agreed to come all this way for [Friend]...[フレンド]さんの城からお使いに来たんだけどー、ちょっと暖炉にあたらせて…寒い寒い!

레벨 업

A festival is pretty much the only time I'm likely to overdo it. I can never resist a good party.ちょっとやりすぎちゃったかなー?お祭りだし、たまにはいいよねー。
What do you mean I could be doing more? I've literally never worked harder than this in my entire life.あたしにしては頑張ってるほうだよねー?
Huh? No, that was my pre-lunch nap break. This is my post-lunch stretch break. Totally different breaks.サボってたわけじゃないのよー。ちょっとだけ休憩してたっていうか。


Oh, is this for me? How lovely! You wouldn't spoil this moment by asking me to work harder, would you?え? これをあたしに?そのぶん、頑張るってのは無しにしてねー。

5성 40레벨 달성

I've got to be honest with you. All this giving has worn me out. Receiving gifts is so much easier!
It's been fun, though. And, I have to say, I feel like I maybe learned something this winter festival.
People don't just smile when you come through for them with a great gift. They positively sparkle.
That kind of cheer is nice to see. And to know I had a hand in it is... Well, it's something, that's for sure!
I don't know if I'd go so far as to say giving is BETTER than getting. Let's face it, that just wouldn't be me.
Even so—thanks for showing me the power of generosity. Now, let's enjoy ourselves, [Summoner]!
…あれ? もしかして冬祭りってプレゼントをもらうよりも贈るほうが楽しかったりするー?




Hey now!ちょっとー!

오의 발동

Got you something big and sweet!贈り物ですよー
You're oh-so welcome!感謝してよねー
Hilda the winter fairy!冬の妖精、ヒルダちゃん!
I'm just warming up!もー寒いんだけどー


But where's my present...あたしの…贈り物は…?


What do you think of my winter look? Cute, right?冬祭り衣装のヒルダちゃんよー。可愛いでしょー?
Guh! I know this is a festival, but don't you think you're going a little overboard?わわっ! もー、お祭りだからって浮かれ過ぎよー
Oh, I wouldn't dream of asking you for a present, but if you're offering... Some sweets would be nice.贈り物? んー、欲しいものは大体持ってるから、お菓子がいいなー
Delivering presents is grueling labor for a delicate flower like me. If only somebody would do it for me...か弱い乙女に贈り物配らせるなんてー。誰か頼める人いないかなー
Sure, I used to love playing in the snow! Then I turned 11.もう子供じゃないんだし、雪遊びなんてしないわよー。
Aw, everything's so shiny and beautiful. I wish my brother were here to see this.キラキラしてすっごく綺麗ー。兄さんにも見せたいなー
Don't you worry, there's an extra-special present in your future... Once I think of one...あなたには、とっておきの贈り物用意したからねー。楽しみにしてて!

아군 턴 터치

Holly jolly Hilda!お祭りだねー
Do I have to?ほんとにそうー?
It's so COLD!寒ーい!

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