바람과 번개의 쌍익 히노카/대사


Being called on as a Hero is certainly an honor—it's my chance to show off the might of Hoshidan kinshi knights!英雄として請われるとは、名誉なこと。白夜の金鵄武者たる武を示し、期待に応えることを我が誇りとしよう!

The battlefield is no place to show off—the point is to keep your head and survive.戦は武勇をひけらかす場ではない。己を保つ勇気を試される場だ。
I lost my temper with Takumi once, attempting to explain that losing him would break us...would break...me.以前、タクミに怒ったことがある。お前に万一の事があれば、皆が…私が辛い思いする、と…
Lavish titles are embarrassing... I'd prefer you treat me no different than any other warrior in your retinue.私が伝承の英雄だなどと……過分に持ち上げられては面映ゆい。一人の将として接してくれるとありがたい。
The food in this castle is incredible. Soybeans used to replace meat? I'm sure even Sakura would love it...この城の料理は美味いな。肉の代わりに大豆を練って焼いたもの、あれはサクラも喜ぶだろう……
Ryoma told me you must always keep your future in mind, and I find myself wanting to tell you the same now.国も大切だが、自分の未来のことも考えろとリョウマ兄様には言われたものだ。ご自身こそと思うが……お互い様だろうな。

친구 방문

I see... So, this is your castle then. To tell the truth, it has a similar feel to [Friend]'s castle.[フレンド]の友、[召喚師]の城か。なるほど、英気がみなぎっている。

레벨 업

Nothing can scare me anymore. Now, don't let up—victory is near!進め、勝利を我らの手に!今の私には、怖いものなど無い!
Things may be going well now, but I won't just rest on my laurels.この調子だ。私はもっと高みを目指すぞ。
Are you here to watch me fight? Well, I've done better, but this will do—for the moment.[召喚師]。私の闘いを見に来てくれたのか?うむ、問題はないと言っていい。


With this, I'll be able to do even more for you. I look forward to being able to put it to use!どのような効果を得られたか、さっそく実践してみたいものだな!

5성 40레벨 달성

Do you happen to notice anything different about me? Any scent you may not have noticed before?
...Nothing? Maybe try getting a little bit closer... Take a sniff.
Smells good, right? It's a fragrance crafted by the artisan perfumers of Hoshido.
Perfumes aren't usually an interest of mine, but I know there is a certain image we royals must keep up.
Ryoma once told me I could stand to behave more properly, and I'm trying to take that to heart, so...
I tried my best to remember how to apply perfume, but I may have forgotten the finer details.
But now I want to try on different perfumes every day until I can find the perfect scent for me!
Any help you can offer along the way would be appreciated... I will follow your nose, [Summoner]!





오의 발동

For Hoshido!白夜の未来を…
At any cost!この身に代えても!
Out of my way!邪魔は許さん
Prepared yourself?覚悟はいいか


Not now...こんな…ことでは……


I'm a Legendary Hero? Might be a stretch, but I'll take it.私が伝承の英雄だと? そんな大げさな…
Ah! Uhh... What is it? Oh. We're not children. Show some restraint.きゃっ! な、なんだ? 甘えるなら、もっと素直にだな…
It is an honor to be called Legendary Hero. Though I don't deserve the title, I will do my best to live up to it.伝承の英雄か…身に余る名誉だが、期待には応えるつもりだ。
I guess following my own path paid off.お淑やかな姫らしい姫ではなかったことが、功を奏したということかな。
I'm feeling restless... Do you have time to talk?何だか落ち着かないな…少し話でもしないか?
I'm sure Azama and Setsuna will have plenty to say about this...こんな扱いを受けては、またアサマとセツナに冷やかされてしまう…
I intend to become a Hero who can support you, no matter what may happen.何があってもお前を支えられるような、そんな英雄に私はなりたい。

아군 턴 터치

Got it.承知した
Orders. Quickly!早く指示を
I don't back down!迎え撃つ!

캐릭터 페이지로