레스터의 용자 홀스트/대사


Hilda?! I—oh. Hello. I'm not sure what is going on here, but let me introduce myself. I am Holst Sigiswald Goneril.ヒルダ!? む、ここは…。…ごほん。改めて名乗らせてもらおう。ホルスト=ジギスヴァルト=ゴネリルだ。

They say all kinds of things about me in the Leicester Alliance, but there are plenty of folks as strong as I am.レスターいちの勇士、などと呼ばれても、やはり所詮は同盟の中での話。外に出ればいくらでも強者はいるものだ。
The truth is, I am rather frustrated to be here. The flames of war spread across Fódlan. Hilda needs me!本当はこんなところにいる場合ではない。フォドラに燃え広がる戦火が、いつヒルダに及ぶかと…! くうっ!
You need training. I can protect you while I'm here, but you need to be able to defend yourself when I'm not.君はもう少し体を鍛えたほうがいいな。何かあった時に対処できないぞ。私がいれば、守ってやれはするが。
Got any enemy encampments you need scouted? I can handle it! I'll just take out all the enemies myself.どこか、偵察に向かえそうな敵陣はないか?何なら私一人で壊滅させられそうな敵の砦でもいいぞ。
Poring over some strategies, I see. These tactical treatises look much different than the ones in Fódlan.なに、少し戦略図の勉強をな。フォドラと異なる様式のものだ。きっと役立つ発見があるだろう。

친구 방문

My name is Holst! I have arrived with a message for you. It is from your friend [Friend]. Here!頼もう! 我が名はホルスト![フレンド]からの親書を携えてきた。……頼もう!!

레벨 업

That was a valuable experience.うむ、良い経験を得られたな。
There's always room for improvement.まだまだ、目指す頂は遠い。
That could've gone better...我ながら不甲斐ない。


This power will help me soar!この力を使って、更なる高みに…。

5성 40레벨 달성

I've noticed you taking the time to train lately. I've been very impressed with what I've seen.
A well-honed body leads to a sharp mind and a healthy spirit, as I'm sure you would agree.
No doubt overseeing all these Heroes in the field is a demanding task. The burden on you must be immense.
Now that I've seen what you've got, though...I'm not worried.
I know you can handle it.
Even so, if you ever need a hand, feel free to lean on me. I'll be right here, ready and willing to help you out!





오의 발동

Your luck's run out!勝敗に時の運なし!
I can't be stopped!私は止まらん!
Better run while you can!震えよ!
You're finished!終いだ!


Live by the sword…戦場に生き…倒れる、か…


There's no weapon I can't handle, but a sword does feel best.不得手な武器は特にないが…やはり剣がしっくりくるな
Huh? ...If you can sneak up on me, you aren't half bad.…!! 私を驚かせるとは、なかなかやる
Nothing fires me up like a fight with a strong opponent!強敵との戦いは燃えるものがある…!
There's no better teacher than fighting in a real battle. Don't you think?実戦に勝る鍛錬はない…そうは思わないか?
I love to cook with mushrooms. Why don't you let me make you dinner?私はキノコ料理が得意でな。ぜひ味わっていってくれ
Hilda... *sigh* I worry about her.ヒルダ…心配だ…
If you need to borrow my strength, it is yours.君が望むのならば、力となろう

아군 턴 터치

All right.ああ
What was that?何だ?
To battle.ゆくぞ!

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