위대한 용병 아이크/대사


I'm Ike of the Greil Mercenaries. And this axe is Urvan. You might call it my current partner.グレイル傭兵団のアイクだ。この斧は【ウルヴァン】…今の相棒は、これだ。

So war has come to this world as well, and its people suffer for it. Seems there's work for me to do here.この世界にも戦争があり、戦争で苦しむ人々がいる…俺にもやれることはありそうだ。
My father once led the Greil Mercenaries. Every person under his command trusted him fully.俺の親父はかつてグレイル傭兵団の団長だった。団員皆に信頼されていた。
Let me take some chores off your hands so you can take a break. I'll... Hmm... I'll go chop some firewood!あんたが休めるように、俺も何か手伝いたいが…そうだな、薪割りの仕事はあるか?
This is Urvan, my father's axe... It's rugged and strong. It reminds me of him.この斧は【ウルヴァン】。親父の斧だ。無骨で力強い…親父によく似ている。
Using an axe is different from using a sword. This guy requires power over skill. I need to get stronger.斧は、剣とは勝手が違う。こいつを扱うには、技より力だ。もっと力をつけなければな。

친구 방문

I'm Ike, from the Greil Mercenaries. I have a message for you. It's from [Friend].俺はグレイル傭兵団のアイク。[フレンド]からの挨拶を預かってきた。

레벨 업

Swinging this axe is becoming second nature.この斧が身体の一部になったように感じる。
Seems my body is finally getting used to this.だんだん身体に馴染んできたようだ。
My training still has a long way to go.まだまだ、鍛え方が足りんな…


I guess that means I need to work a bit harder around here now.あんたの期待には応えないとな。

5성 40레벨 달성

I had the strangest dream... It was of another world, and there were entire crowds calling my name.
Countless people, all cheering for me. Can you believe it? I don't pretend to understand magic, but...
Well, it wouldn't surprise me if that cheering is why I was summoned to this world.
But if that is the case...I have to make sure I don't let them down.
I'm no knight, and certainly no nobleman. My father was my only example of how a man should be.
So I need to carry out his vision and make sure our mercenary company is something he would be proud of.
To fight for the people, not for the money... That is my desire.





오의 발동

Thanks to all!礼を言う
It ends here.ここまでだ
I will defeat you!叩き伏せる!
With gratitude.感謝する


Argh... I'm sorry...く……すまん…


This reminds me of something my father wore.俺の親父も、こういう格好をしていたな。
Hmm? What is it? Do you need something?ん? どうした、俺を呼んだか?
I had a strange dream. Thousands of people... And they were all saying my name!妙な夢を見た。何万もの人々が俺を支えてくれる夢だ。
I was called to this world to answer the wishes of many. Or so it seems.俺がこの世界に呼ばれたのは、多くの人々の願いによるもの…らしい。
I can't really remember that dream I had. But I do remember that you helped me.夢の中で、あんたは俺を助けてくれた…そのことはよく覚えている。
Father, watch over me. One day, I swear...親父…見ていてくれ。俺は必ず…
I'm grateful to you. You've done so much for me. You are a true friend.礼を言わせてくれ。あんたは俺の恩人…そして、生涯の友だ。

아군 턴 터치

It's all for you.期待には応える。
You...like Ike?

공격 - 신장

This should do it!決める!

피격 - 신장

This looks bad...このままでは…

오의 발동 - 신장

You won't like this.甘くはないぞ
The time has come.本気で行く
And this!これでどうだ!
You're wide open.隙を見せたな

패배 - 신장

I left an opening...すまん…しくじった…

상태창 - 신장

First my father's gear, and now this? Why do I need to change clothes?この間は親父の衣装を着せられたが、また着替えか?
Didn't I talk to you about this? Speak up before you touch me.? おい…触る前に声をかけろと言っているだろう。
Seiðjárn, the magic-science of the dvergar. Magic, I get. Where does the science come in?魔道科学? 魔道はわかるが、科学というのはなんだ?
The soldiers from Niðavellir ride beasts I've never seen. Strange beasts.ニザヴェリルの連中は見たこともない騎馬に乗っているな…
There are many Heroes here, many ways to fight. I intend to study them.ここにはいろんな戦い方をする英雄が山ほどいる。俺も学んでおきたい。
No matter where I look, I find strong foes, new challenges. The world is vast.まだ見ぬ力、まだ見ぬ強敵…世界は広いな。
I may not have strange magic, but I don't plan on losing your battles for you, either.俺にはあんな魔法みたいな力はないが、あんたの為なら負ける気はない。

아군 턴 터치 - 신장

Got it.了解だ
I'll tread lightly.慎重に行く
Leave it to me.任せておけ

캐릭터 페이지로