창염의 문장사 아이크/대사


I'm Emblem Ike. I was brought here to protect this world? Well then... I won't let you down.紋章士アイクだ。今度はこの世界を守れば良いのか?無様な戦い方はせん。上手く使え。

I thought I recognized some of the faces here as fellow Emblems, but no... They're Greil Mercenaries.あちこちに、見た顔がいる。仲間の紋章士かと思ったが、違うな。あれは…グレイル傭兵団の者たちだ。
When I was in Solm, I got to join the royals on their free-spirited travels. Nothing beats music at a campfire.エレオス大陸では、ソルムに託されていた。王家の者達は自由で、音楽や旅が好きで。俺もよく野営に付き合わされたものだ。
Champion, Emblem, Hero... It doesn't matter what I'm called. I fight, I get stronger. That's all there is to it.勇者に、紋章士に、英雄…何処で何と呼ばれようと関係ない。俺は戦い、強くなる。それだけだ。
Not needing food was convenient, but you won't find me complaining about a post-training spicy meat dish.鍛錬の後の肉料理は旨い。食事を必要としない体も便利だったが、食えるようになるのも悪くないな。
The ring? It was big, with a silver halo surrounding a blue center stone. I think it'd suit you well.俺の宿っていた指輪か?青い石がついた大ぶりのものだった。あんたにも似合うかもしれん。

친구 방문

I'm not used to traveling alone... Do you mind directing me back to [Friend]?[フレンド]から挨拶だ。単独での遠出は慣れていない。…帰り道を教えてくれるか。

레벨 업

I have gained much. My reward for fighting against powerful foes.得るものが多かったな。強者と戦った成果だ。
It's fine, as long as I can become an even stronger Emblem.あんたにとって、強い紋章士でいられれば良い。
Let me fight more. I'll show you I can make a comeback.次で巻き返す。もっと戦わせてくれ。


This is your way of telling me I need to get stronger, right? Well, that's what I plan to do.強くなれ、ということだな。あんたの祈りには応えるつもりだ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Oh, it's you. Nothing's wrong, I just— I feel...strange not being able to sync my power with others.
The desire for strength is ingrained in me, no matter my form. But as an Emblem, my instinct is to share it.
...If my ring happens to be summoned here, then engage with me. I know you'd be a fine partner, Summoner.
Until then I'll keep training, so when that day comes, I'll have even more power to share with you.





오의 발동

Great Aether!覇克・天空!
I'll guide you.紋章の導きだ!
This one's mine!闘わせろ!
Emblem engage!エムブレム・エンゲージ…!




Yeah, I glow and float around. So what?光って浮いているのが、そんなに珍しいか。
Huh, I keep forgetting you can touch me in this world. That wasn't possible in Elyos.! 触れられる感触は久しぶりだな、エレオスにいた頃にはなかった。
I hear we Emblems can actually eat food in Askr. What kind of meat you got?ここでは紋章士でも食事ができると聞いた。…肉が食いたいな。
My Emblem Ring doesn't need constant polishing.どうした、そこは汚れていない。お前も紋章士を綺麗にするのが好きなのか?
I used to be summoned by invocation. You had to say, "Fight on, Emblem of Radiance!"『勇闘(たたか)え、蒼炎の紋章士(エムブレム)』…これは、俺を顕現させる呪文だ。
I can't help but look back on my time at Solm Palace fondly. I even miss that endless desert...離れると、懐かしいものだな…あのソルムの王城も、果てしない砂漠も。
I'm curious about the Ike you know in this world. Is he strong? Maybe we should spar for the right to fight at your side.あんたの知るアイクは、俺より強いのか? ぜひ手合わせをしてみたいものだ。そうして、勝った方の俺を傍に置けばいい。

아군 턴 터치

Let's rumble.闘おう
Am I up?出番か?
I've got this.任せろ

캐릭터 페이지로