천마를 모는 소녀 카린/대사


Hi there! I'm Karin, of Silesse. I may not be the most seasoned fighter, but I won't disappoint you!ごきげんいかが?私はシレジアのカリンっていうの。自信ないけど、がんばるわ!

Prince Ced is the heroic inheritor of the Forseti Tome... Which is why he can't abandon his mother and Fee!セティ様はフォルセティを継承する勇者。でも、だからって母上様や妹君のフィー様を放っとくなんて!
Silesse was never truly destroyed. Our forces moved north, to Tófa, and guard the royal family to this day.シレジアは滅んでなんかいないわ。北のトーヴェという街に移り住んで、皆で王家を守り続けているんだから。
How are you feeling? Make sure to rest on occasion—it's not healthy to push yourself too hard!元気にしてる?無理しすぎちゃダメだからね!
One day, I'll join the royal guard and help rebuild Silesse. When that day comes, we'll drive out the empire.私も、いつかは近衛の天馬騎士になってシレジア復興のお手伝いをするの。帝国なんて追い出してやるんだから。
The prince just...left us. Without a word. I know he was searching for his father, but when the queen passed...
He wasn't even there to mourn...

친구 방문

Wow! This castle is incredible! I would love to see a castle like this in Silesse, someday...うわあ、すごいお城!シレジアにもこんなお城が欲しいなあ…

레벨 업

Just you wait. One day, I'll be a fully- fledged pegasus knight! It's always been my dream!私もいつか、憧れの天馬騎士団に!
I've got this!これくらい、まかせてよ!
W-woah, Hermes, calm down! It's OK. I'm all right, see?うわっ、ちょっ、とっ!どうどう……エルメス、落ち着いて…私は大丈夫だから、ね?


Yes! I'm going to keep getting stronger. And one day, I'll be strong enough to defeat the empire!やったあ!もっと強くなっていつか帝国を倒してやるんだから!

5성 40레벨 달성

Do you want to hear my secret?
The truth is, I...well...
I'm not really a fully-fledged knight yet! I know, I know. But it's OK. You see, I really get pegasi.
Take my pegasus, Hermes. He's not just cute. He's really smart too. And when I'm angry, he gets angry.
It's like we share one heart! That's pretty unique, isn't it? Now it's your turn. Will you tell me a secret?
ね、どう、驚いちゃった? じゃあ次は[召喚師]さんの番!あなたのヒミツ、聞かせて?





오의 발동

Try me and find out!自信ないけど、がんばるわ!
You talk too much!ばかなことを言わないでよ!
I can deal with this!まかせてください!
I'm no weakling!私だって…!


I'm sorry, Lady Erinys...フュリー様…ごめんなさい…


I am Karin. It's a pleasure.私はカリンっていうの。よろしくね。
Wh-what?! An enemy attack?!きゃあっ!? な、なに!? 敵襲!?
Our prince left our country. I've come here in search of him.私たちの王子様、国を出ちゃったの。それで捜しに来たのよ。
Want to meet my pegasus? He's so smart and cute!私のペガサスはエルメスっていって、すごく可愛くて賢いのよ。
I will never forgive Raydrik. Taking innocent girls as hostages!女の子を人質にするなんて、レイドリックってやつ絶対に許せないわ。
I...I didn't know. I didn't know so many were starving...私…知らなかった…。そんなにも多くの人たちが飢えていたなんて…
You have my sympathies, so I'll help however I can.今はあなたのことが心配。私もお手伝いします。

아군 턴 터치

On your order.指示して
Let me help!手伝うわ

캐릭터 페이지로