늑대인간의 우두머리 플란넬/대사


I'm Keaton! I'll show you how a proud wolfskin hunts!俺はフランネル!誇り高きガルーの狩りをお前にもみせてやるよ!

Aren't these the most beautiful spiders you've ever seen? They're black and purple and green and blue!
No? But they're so pretty... Aw, some people will just never get it.
綺麗なクモだろ? この模様が良いよなー。こんなに綺麗なのに…ニシキって本当に変なヤツだな。
I'm proud to be a wolfskin! Turning into wolves is what we do.俺は誇り高き人狼、ガルーだ!…ガルーっていうのは、俺みたいに狼に姿を変えられる種族のことだ。
My tail looks nice and rugged when it's all messed up and filled with junk.尻尾なんてのはちょっと汚れてるくらいがワイルドでいいんだよ。
Let's take a look at my treasure collection! Just one of my many fine pieces is an embalmed lizard!
I also have a giant bat corpse! It's huge!
This way? No... How about that way? No...
I'm not lost! This castle is just WAY too big!
こっちか? いや…こっちのほうか?ま、迷ってなんかいねえ!この城が広いだけだ!

친구 방문

Where did I end up now? Hey, you— do you have any idea how to get back to [Friend]'s castle?こ、ここはどこなんだ…?[フレンド]の城に帰るにはどっちにいけばいい!?

레벨 업

Ha ha! Did you SEE that? That's what it looks like when I get serious!はっはっは!見たか、これが俺の本気だぜ!
I wanna play some more. C'mon!まだまだ暴れ足りねえぜ!
I'm a little bit lost... Don't leave me behind, OK?こ、こんなところで迷ってどうする!?


What, my tail? No, it's not wagging! It's just...twitching! I'm not excited!し、尻尾がすげー揺れてるって…?べ、別に浮かれたりしてねーからな!

5성 40레벨 달성

In a wolfskin pack, those who contribute can walk with pride.
So what do you say? Am I pulling my weight?
Really? That's a relief. I know I can trust you to be honest with me.
I mean...not that I was worried. I'm not happy to hear you say that. Nope.
If I stick with you, I can avoid getting lost and maybe even accomplish something!
Leave it to me! I'll hunt your enemies and collect some awesome hair balls along the way!
! そうか!俺は役にたってるんだな!お前が言うなら間違いないな!





오의 발동

You're dead meat.…死んじまえよ
I'm game for a fight!ひと暴れするか!
Get out of here!逃がさないぜ
Hunting party!狩りの時間だ


No...anyone but me...うそ…だ…ろ……?


I'm Keaton. I'm from a race called the wolfskin.俺はフランネル。誇り高き人狼、ガルーだ!
Hey! You might think I like to be petted...but I don't!な、撫でられて嬉しいなんて思ってねーし…
My tail is NOT wagging! It's not! Got it?!お近づきのしるしに、この芸術的な毛玉をやるよ!
We're gonna take a look at my treasure collection! Look, touch, sniff, and learn!今から俺のお宝を見に行くぞ。見て、触れて、感じるんだ!
I've got a spool of spider webbing! There are even spots with flies and bugs and stuff! Sorta like raisins in a cookie.こいつは蜘蛛の糸のかたまり! ここまで集めるのは苦労したなー。
Here—a necklace made from bat fangs! Just think of all the different animals whose blood is crusted on them!吸血コウモリの牙の首輪! 尖ってるよなー。ツンツンだよなー。
I'm fine being on my own. But I guess if you really want me to, I'll come with you.別に俺は一人で平気だけど…し、仕方ねぇから、一緒にいてやるよ

아군 턴 터치

I'm lost…道に迷った…
I guess.いいぜ?

캐릭터 페이지로