번쩍이는 잔혹한 칼날 크로니예/대사


My name is Kronya. I assume you summoned me to kill you? I'll be sure to make it as painful as possible!あたしの名はクロニエ。なーに? あたしに殺されたくて呼んだの?なるべく苦しませてあげる! キャハハハ!

You remind me of someone I hate. I'll probably kill you like I killed them.[召喚師]って何だか、あたしの嫌いな奴に似てるのよねー。そろそろ殺っちゃっていい?
There's nothing more fun than causing pain and death. The more blood I spill, the better!あたしの役目は、みーんなを苦しめること。血を流せば流すだけ、あたしたちの野望は実現に近づくの。キャッハハハハ!
You lowly creatures speak incessantly of peace, but you love slaughter as much as I do! Embrace it!平和のためって言いながら殺し合うの、あたしは大好物よ! キャハハ!しかも、自分は死なないわけじゃん!
Did you say something? I wasn't paying attention. I was thinking about worms slowly eating you to death.ねえねえ、あんたは何が苦手?鈍い痛みが長く続くこと?痛みがないまま体を蝕まれること?
Heroes are such ghastly nuisances. I would love to just squash them all like the pests they are.獣だか人だかよくわかんないのがいっぱいで、英雄ってブキミよねー。まとめて死んじゃえばいいのに。

친구 방문

Your place is as clean and inviting as [Friend]'s. How boring.[フレンド]のとこもあんたのとこも、みーんなお目めキラキラさせちゃって! つまんないの!

레벨 업

I've made such progress, even Thales will have to be impressed!キャハハ!タレス様に褒めてもらえるかな?
When you have power, there's only one thing to do... Use it!力を手に入れたら、使わなきゃねー?
No! I am not this pathetic!ウソ…あたしがこんな情けないわけ…!


A new way to kill vermin, perhaps?キャハッ!新しい殺し方、思いつけるかなー?

5성 40레벨 달성

Just the sight of your face makes me so angry! Can I kill you now, just to get it over with? Please?
Gah! Why not? It would be easy. You're such a weak creature that I'd hardly have to lift a finger.
Fighting alongside you, sharing our victories and defeats... I'm beginning to feel attached to you.
I don't know why. I'm an Agarthan, and you're just a pathetic little worm. It's unthinkable. It's repulsive!
But that's how I feel. So if you won't let me kill you, you'll have to agree to be my plaything. Forever. All right?
ああああっ!? あんたの顔を見てるとほんっとイライラする!さっさと殺させてよ! お願い!





오의 발동

Just a nuisance!ウザいってば!
You fool!おバカさん!
You're in my way!邪魔よ、邪魔!
Guess you wanna die?死にたいわけ?


How could I lose...?ウソでしょ…あたしが…


Don't get too chummy!あんた、ちょっと馴れ馴れしくない?
Gah! Don't surprise me like that!ひゃあっ! 驚かせないでよ、もう!
So much death... How exciting!どこもかしこも殺し合いで、興奮しちゃーう。
I love the sight of blood. I don't expect filthy vermin like you to understand that.血を見なきゃ気が済まないんだから、人間ってバカよねー。
I hate the smell of lowly beasts.あたし、獣臭いのが嫌いなのよ。
I wonder if Thales is angry with me...タレス様、怒ってないかなー。
How much longer till I can stab someone?いつになったらー、殺らせてくれるわけ?

아군 턴 터치

Yeah yeah.はいはい
Time to kill?殺しちゃう?

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