나무그늘의 참모 루카/대사


Whoa... I've arrived at an unexpected place, haven't I? My name is Lukas. Let's have a good time today.おっと…これは意外な場所に着きましたね。私はルカです。今日は楽しく過ごしましょう。

I haven't been on a picnic in a while, so I'm a little uneasy... Did we forget anything?ピクニックなんて久しぶりなのでちょっと緊張しますね。ええと…忘れ物はないでしょうか。
I never had time to do anything like this before I got here... No question about it.こんなふうに余暇を楽しむ余裕は向こうではありませんでした。それどころではなかったもので…。
You may not be surprised to hear that I've never really cooked before...
I can roast wild game on a spit. It's my campfire specialty. Shall we try that?
Let's go on a boat ride in the lake. I'll row—I'm used to it.湖でボートに乗りましょう。漕ぐのは任せてください。故郷ではよく乗っていたんですよ。
I brought a book, and perhaps it's the scenery, but I'm finding that it's resonating rather strongly with me.読みかけの本を持ってきたのですが…よい景色のせいでしょうか。いつもより胸に響く気がします。

친구 방문

The weather's beautiful, isn't it? I'm here to invite you to a picnic with [Friend].こんにちは。いい天気ですね。[フレンド]さんからピクニックのお誘いですよ。

레벨 업

I'm in uncharacteristically high spirits. Is it the weather, I wonder?柄にもなく張り切ってしまいました。この陽気のせいでしょうか。
Even in the midst of all this hubbub, one must remain centered.たとえ行楽中でも平常心は忘れずにいたいですね。
Having too much fun can pose a problem...浮かれすぎるのも考えものですね…。


Where shall we head to next? Wherever you go, I'll stay by your side.次はどこへ行きましょう?この力でどこへでもお供しますよ。

5성 40레벨 달성

I must thank you for that meal. You're quite a cook, aren't you? It was truly delicious.
When I was first summoned here, I found this place rather puzzling. It was a relief to find I liked the food.
A soldier is useless on an empty stomach, after all.
I'm grateful that we can share a delicious meal together under a beautiful blue sky.
Let's do this again sometime. I find that anything is enjoyable as long as I'm with you.





오의 발동

My oh my...おやおや…
This can't stand.いけませんね
What disrespect!行儀が悪いですよ!
Lunch is served.お弁当はいかがです?


Enjoy...the weather...休憩…しましょう…


You work hard each and every day. Even someone with a work ethic as tremendous as yours deserves a break now and then.毎日お疲れ様です。今日は任務を忘れて楽しみましょう。
Oh! Please don't sneak up when my back is turned. I would never dream of doing such a thing to you.おっと…!驚かせないでください。仕返ししますよ?
I feel bad leaving all the cooking to you and the others. While it pains me to admit this, I'm not the most...domestic person.さすがに料理は経験がなくて……お任せしてしまってすみません。
These sweets are delightful! Did you bring them?このお菓子もあなたが?甘いものは大好きです。
I never have the time to simply read a book under the shade of a tree. I should seize this opportunity.木陰で読書でもしましょうか。きっと気持ちいいですよ。
It's been some time since I've felt so at peace. Maybe it's your calming presence that puts me at ease.こんなに穏やかな気分は久しぶりです。あなたと一緒だからでしょうか。
Please allow me to refill your drink. It's the least I can do.お茶くらい私に淹れさせてください。はい、どうぞ。

아군 턴 터치

Let's go for a stroll.出かけましょう。
Perfect picnic weather.行楽日和です。
Care to try this dish?はい、あーん。

캐릭터 페이지로