기발한 지혜의 마도 루테/대사


I'm Lute, a mage of profound genius. If it's ultimate battle power you wished for, consider your wish granted.私はルーテ。あなたが最高の戦力を望むなら今まさにその願いは叶ったといえるでしょう。私、優秀ですから。

You use magic? That makes you competition. At least, until we make it clear which of us is superior.あなたも魔道の使い手ですね?では、どちらが優秀かはっきりさせるまで私とあなたは敵同士です。
My research in Renais was quite rewarding, but the magic of this world is rather fascinating as well.ルネスでの研究も充実していましたが、この世界の魔道もなかなかに興味深いものがあります。
Your face indicates that battle has left you weary. I once read about an herb that can help alleviate that.
It was on page 339 of De Floris Mysticis. Paragraph four. Sentence three.
Do you need something from me? My task list currently includes 25 items across seven categories.何か御用でしょうか?私への要望は七種二十五項目に分類されますが。
Today I will review chapter five of A Young Girl's Primer on Nazonian Magic. From memory.
Afterward, I'll head out to collect some of the more interesting herbs that grow in this world.

친구 방문

I memorized a message for you from [Friend], thus eliminating the need to write it down.
Such a task was child's play for a mage and scholar without equal.

레벨 업

Statistically speaking, good luck is just as likely as bad.幸運が時折訪れることは、確率的には自然なことです。
Surprised? Don't be. There's no one better than me!当然の成長といえるでしょう。私、優秀ですから。
Statistically speaking, bad luck is just as likely as good.不運が時折訪れることは、確率的には自然なことです。


You've made a superior being far more superior.優秀な私が、ますます優秀になってしまったようです。

5성 40레벨 달성

I've been examining you since the day you summoned me here. My daily records are impeccable.
This journal is entitled [Summoner]: Daily Observations and Habits.
You'll be impressed to find I did not miss a single day. Please examine it.
"Morning: [Summoner] rose early and ate a hearty breakfast and then trained until lunchtime.
"Noon: [Summoner] ate a meager lunch and then patrolled the castle's perimeter.
"Evening: [Summoner] ate dinner, took a bath, and then retired to bed without dessert."
Quite insightful and thorough, as you can see. I review this journal nightly.
At first, I thought you may be a threat to my natural superiority, so I sought to discover your weaknesses.
But as I continued to study you, my motives began to change. It was quite the odd phenomenon.
Further observations are required for me to fully understand it, so I must continue my daily research.
Please go about your business as usual. I'll compile volume two of my journal from a distance, as before.





오의 발동

I am superior, after all.私、優秀ですから
I'll rip you to shreds with love!愛をもってほふります
You—you're dangerous.あなたは危険です
Of course I'll win.勝利したようです


I don't want to die...まだ…死にたくありません…


Heh. Heh. Heh.ふ、ふ、ふ。
I'm Lute, genius mage extraordinaire. You've probably heard of me.私はルーテ。卓越した才能を持つ稀代の魔道士です。
My mood? On a scale of 1 to 48, I'd say I'm at a 14.四十八段階の十四番目くらいに調子は良いです。
Your flesh shows no signs of putrefaction. It seems you're still alive.私が見たところ、あなたは新鮮です。どうやら人間のようですね。
You wish simply to chat? That sounds neither productive nor strategically valuable, but...私と話、ですか? 生産的価値があるようにも、戦略上重要なようにも思いませんが。
You may pose a threat to my natural superiority. This is troubling...危険です。あなたは私の優秀さを脅かす存在かもしれません。
There is still much I need to study. My books so far have taught me nothing of love...恋愛に関する文献は…勉強不足です。
You and I should stick together for a while longer. After all, there's no one better than me...and you.あなたと私は、一緒にいるべきです。私たち、とても優秀ですから。

아군 턴 터치

You need me.どうするのですか?
Let's begin.始めてください。

캐릭터 페이지로