초원의 공녀 린/대사


I'm Lyndis of the House of Caelin. Yet I truly belong to the open plains. Just call me Lyn, all right?私は草原の民リンディス。いちおうキアラン侯公女…なんだけど、ああ、あまり気にしないで。

I love the feel of the wind. It's always a balm for whatever's bothering me.今日は…風が心地良いわね。
Wielding a sword is useful for more than battle. I find that it also gives me a peek into another person's thoughts.
So, I think I might know what's on your mind, friend!
Good job out there. You be sure to stay well rested. You carry the heaviest load of all of us.いつもお疲れ様。疲れて眠くなったりしてない?休むことも大切よ。
We should find a hill and look out across the world. People really don't do that nearly enough.ねえ、あそこの丘に登って、一緒に景色を見に行かない?すごく綺麗みたいよ。
I may look calm—maybe even still. But I'm really very focused. It's part of my daily training with my sword.力を抜いて、心を静かに…じっとしてるように見えるけど、これも剣の稽古なの。

친구 방문

I've been asked to come visit you here by your friend [Friend].
Now, may your friendship always remain strong!

레벨 업

The winds of my homeland are blessing me today!故郷の風の声が…私を祝福してくれているわ…
Oh, good! That seems pretty fair.ふふっ、ざっとこんなものよ。
Not good at all. I'd better train more often.ううん…全然だめね。もっと精進しないと。


Thank you. Good to get stronger.ありがとう。これで私はもっと強くなれる。

5성 40레벨 달성

I'd like to offer my thanks today. It's for all the times you've helped me. Nothing more, nothing less.
But while I'm at it, I should also thank you for giving me courage and never failing to be kind.
Those are rarer qualities than you'd think. In fact...
I think you're as precious to me as the breeze that blows across the open plains of Sacae.
Oh my! Pay me no mind. But, please, know that I'm always here for you, all right?




Just because I'm a girl...女だからって…

오의 발동

Now I have you!勝負よ!
As if I'd lose!負けるもんですか!
By my sword!この剣で!
Watch this!見てなさい!


Not yet...私は…まだ…


Need me, friend?私を呼んだ?
Some people might need to be prodded into action. Not me.きゃっ!? もう…ふざけてると怒るわよ。
Glad to talk. It's nice to get what's on our minds out there in the open.ね、ちょっと話があるんだけど。
I'm always up early, so don't be surprised if I barge in and ask, "Are you awake yet?"やーね、ねぼけてるの?
I grew up on the plains, so I'm pretty direct. Still, I have manners. Just not...etiquette.草原育ちだから…礼儀作法はちょっとね
How I long to be on the open plains. The feeling of the wind...懐かしい…草原の風…
I'll protect you no matter what. Just stick close to me.あなたは私から離れないでね。

아군 턴 터치

Got it.わかったわ
Let's go.行きましょう!

공격 - 신장


피격 - 신장


오의 발동 - 신장

No escape!逃がさない!
Freezing winds, heed my call!凍てつく風よ…
I'll finish this!とどめは私が!

패배 - 신장

I must keep fighting...まだ…戦わなきゃ…

상태창 - 신장

These clothes are from Nifl. They're rather unusual, at least to me.これはニフル王国の服装なの。何だか不思議な気分…
Ah! Your hand is so cold. Give it to me. I'll warm it up.きゃあっ!? あなたの手って冷たいのね。温めてあげる。
Snow and ice, as far as the eye can see... Nifl must be exceptionally beautiful.雪と氷に覆われた国…きっと、すごく美しいんでしょうね。
I often went ice skating as a child. When the lake froze over.子供の頃はよく凍った湖の上を滑って遊んだの。
Princess Fjorm and Princess Gunnthrá are both sweet, and so polite.フィヨルム王女もスリーズ王女も、とてもおっとりしていて礼儀正しいわよね。
I wonder... If I had been born in such a cold country... would I be more...reserved?寒い国で育てば、私ももっとおしとやかになったのかな…?
I'm so fired up, I don't need these winter clothes!どんな衣装でも、心は熱く燃えているのよ。…なんてね。

아군 턴 터치 - 신장

Leave it to me.任せて
Don't get careless.油断は禁物…
You'll see.決めてみせる!

캐릭터 페이지로