구제의 기사 모브/대사


My name is Mauvier. Is Lady Veyle here? I am her knight.モーヴという。ヴェイル様はこちらにいらっしゃるか。俺は、あの方の騎士だ。

May Lady Veyle's heart be saved, even if fate is forever altered. I have no doubt there is hope for her.ヴェイル様…元いた世界と運命を違えても、どうか貴方様の心が救われますよう。
The deeds of the Four Hounds can never be erased, only atoned for by my lifelong devotion to Lady Veyle.四狗としての行いは消えない。俺にできることはこの命尽きるまであの方に尽くし、罪滅ぼしをするのみだ。
Leave it to someone like me to ease your burdens so you may focus on more crucial tasks.見回りなら、俺に命じてくれ。貴殿の億劫だと思う雑事は全て背負わせてくれて構わない。
Huh? You want to play summoners? Ugh, why me... All right... I will appear in front of the great stone monument.なに? 召喚ごっこがしたい?何故俺がそんなことに…仕方がない。石碑から華々しく登場すれば良いのか。
What will you have me do now? I cannot just rest until my next mission... I do not know how.次の任務までの指示を。休息を取れと言われても…俺には、その方法がわからない。

친구 방문

I come bearing a token of friendship from [Friend].
I hope you will fare well together.

레벨 업

This is a happy result. But no time to rest.喜ばしい成果だ。だが、手を止める暇はない。
Now that I am stronger, I must accomplish even more.腕が上がったか。ならば更に武勲を立てねば。
I need to be more diligent.もっと精進せねばな。


Apologies for the trouble, but what should I do with this power?手間をかけさせたな。この力で、俺は何をすればいい。

5성 40레벨 달성

Yes, Summoner? You want to talk? It is foolish to grow too attached. Best to remain objective.
For now, we are on the same side... But if someone harmed Lady Veyle, I would cut ties with them instantly.
And that includes you. So, as I said, best to remain— What is this? A yam?
You are putting together a gathering? I suppose I can help, but do not get too excited.
I am only doing what is necessary to atone for the sins of the Four Hounds.
召喚師殿か、どうした。話をしにだと…? 馬鹿なことを。あまり情を移すのは得策ではない。





오의 발동

You will have nothing!何も奪わせん!
Forgive me.許せ!
Now it ends!ここまでだ!
The decisive blow.今度こそ!


A just punishment...当然の、報いだ……


I will strive to prove my worth to you.来たからには相応の働きを見せよう
Yes? What is it?召喚師殿、何か?
I am used to spending long hours on watch. Do not be concerned.構わなくていい。勝手に見張りをしているだけだ。
Rest is not relaxing to me. I prefer to remain active.そんなに気を詰めるな、と言われても…休むことを考えるほうが気が休まらん。
My past with the Four Hounds is tainted by unforgivable sins.俺は四狗として、褒められぬ行いもしてきた。
I will always be your knight, Lady Veyle. Even in this other world.ヴェイル様…世界が違えども、俺は必ずあなたの騎士として…
Spending your time with a sinner like me can only be to your detriment. It would be more appropriate for you to seek out a proper Hero.あまり触れると汚れるぞ。召喚師殿と俺では、住む世界が違う。交流であれば、どうかもっと相応しい英雄と行ってくれ。

아군 턴 터치

Mauvier, reporting.モーヴ、参る
No more doubts.違えない

캐릭터 페이지로