절약가 미도리코/대사


Hi there. I'm Midori, the biggest herb gatherer around! It's nice to meet you.はじめまして、ミドリコです。薬草からお薬を作るのが大の得意なの! よろしくね。

Askr has so many herbs! I've never seen that one before...or that one... Don't worry, I won't wander too far!アスク王国には見たことがない薬草がたくさんあるの。新しいお薬が調合できちゃうかも!
I grew up in the Deeprealms far away from my father. There I studied apothecary so I could help people.ミドリコはお父さんと離れて秘境という場所で育ったの。そこでお薬を調合する勉強をしてたんだよ。
Talk to me if you're ever hurt or feeling down! I'll figure out the best way to treat your troubles.けがをしたり風邪気味のときはいつでもミドリコに言ってね。すぐにお薬を調合してあげる!
I stumbled on some rare plants and made this medicine. C'mon and try some, [Summoner]![召喚師]さん新しいお薬ができたの!ちょっとだけ…飲んでくれないかな?
Here's a charm to ward off injuries. The best kind of medicine is not having to use any at all!はい、これはけが避けのおまじない。お薬を使わないで済むならそれが一番だからね!

친구 방문

I'm Midori. Are you feeling OK? I come with herbs and medicine from [Friend]'s castle.[フレンド]さんのお城から来たミドリコって言います。けがに効くお薬、いかがですか?

레벨 업

Hooray! I worked really hard!えへへ、ミドリコ…がんばっちゃった!
I've got a great idea for a new recipe!新しいお薬の調合ひらめいちゃった…!
I won't let this get me down!ミドリコ、めげずにがんばるよ…!


I'm getting stronger! Maybe now I can prove my usefulness to Father.ミドリコ、強くなっちゃったかも!?これでお父さんの力になれるね!

5성 40레벨 달성

Medicines are amazing, huh? A simple salve can help a patient feel much better...and treat them quickly too!
But, it makes me sad that some wounds have no cure at all. Like a pained heart.
Combat doesn't just hurt physically, it takes its toll little by little...
That's why I want to put an end to fighting so no one suffers anymore.
Promise we'll build a peaceful world together, [Summoner]?





오의 발동

I'm onto you!逃がさないんだから!
Hey! Be nice!おいたしちゃダメよ!
I'm not scared!こわくないよ!
Pick on someone your own size!だめなんだからね!


D-did I...help...?ここで…おしまいね…


Nice to meet you! Do you know Kaze? He's my father!ミドリコはね、スズカゼお父さんの娘なの。よろしくね。
H-hey! I don't sneak up on you, do I?!ひゃあっ! も、もう。おいたしたらいけないんだよ?
I don't like to keep Father waiting!お父さん。ミドリコ、いつもよい子でがんばってるよ!
I'm all grown-up now, you know!ミドリコ、もうおねえさんだもん。
If you're ever feeling under the weather, just let me know and I'll make you some medicine!体の調子が悪い時は言ってね。よく効くお薬を作ってきてあげる!
I wish I could spend more time with Father...ミドリコ、もっとお父さんのそばにいたいな…
I'm so happy we were able to meet and become friends!あなたに会うことができて、ミドリコ、とってもうれしい!

아군 턴 터치

Let me help!ミドリコも!

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