소피아의 영웅 마이센/대사


I am Mycen. I made a promise to my friend that I must keep, for the sake of Valentia's future.わしはマイセン。友と交わした約束を果たし、新たなバレンシアの礎となろう。

I pray that Alm follows his path— that he liberates Valentia from its accursed fate.アルムよ、お前の信じる道をゆくがよい。呪われた運命からバレンシアを解き放つのだ。
It was the gods who divided Valentia in two, between Rigel in the north and Zofia in the south.バレンシア大陸は神々によって北のリゲル帝国と南のソフィア王国に分かたれている。
Fate is cruel, and it is mighty... No matter how I struggle, I know it will overpower me in the end.運命とは残酷なもの。わしがどうあがいても、運命は変えられぬ。
Valentia, for all the blessings the gods once gave it, is now a continent of lost people.
The people of Zofia have forgotten their purpose; those of Rigel have forgotten their kindness.
Rudolf lit the fires of destruction, hoping a heroic warrior might be born from the ashes.
He did this knowing full well it might condemn him...that his soul may burn in flames of a different kind.

친구 방문

May your friendship with [Friend] long endure.[召喚師]殿と[フレンド]殿。今後とも変わらぬ友好を。

레벨 업

It seems experience really is the best teacher.こう見えてもわしなりに訓練を続けているつもりだったが、やはり実戦に勝るものはないということか。
I will redouble my efforts.遅れは取らぬぞ。
This will not do.やらねばならぬことがある。


There is always another battle, hm?戦いは尽きぬか。

5성 40레벨 달성

It was the gods Duma and Mila who divided Valentia into a northern part and a southern.
For a time, the people enjoyed the gods' protections, but with time they fell into depravity.
For the gods' noble intents grew distorted, and the people likewise lost their way.
Rudolf sensed imminent danger. He felt if nothing were done, the people would destroy themselves.
Thus began the lonely struggle of my friend, Rigel's emperor...a quest to destroy the godly order.
To me, a general of Zofia, Rudolf entrusted his newborn son. I swore to see his tragic will to fruition.
Now I am bound by duty to see that Alm achieves his destiny...





오의 발동

Are you prepared?覚悟はいいか
No mercy.容赦はせん
You are wide open.隙だらけだ


I leave it to you...後を…頼む…


I am Mycen. Just an old man from a humble village.わしの名はマイセン。ただの村の年寄りだ。
Hm? Oh, was that your idea of a prank? Reminds me of my grandchildren when they were small...おっと…。いたずらか? 孫たちの小さい頃を思い出すな。
Alm does not lack for talent. Someday, he... Oh, don't mind my rambling.アルムは筋がいい。いずれ偉大な…いや、何でもない。
Our true foe is Duma. We must cast that Fell God back to the shadows.我々が倒すべき真の敵はドーマ。あの邪神を闇へと戻すのだ。
Emperor Rudolf is a friend. Perhaps the only close friend I have.皇帝ルドルフは、わしの唯一無二の親友だ。
Alm and Celica have begun to walk their own path.アルムもセリカも、己の道を進み始めたのだな…
I will happily assist you, provided you can put up with an old fool like me.この老いぼれでよければ力になろう。

아군 턴 터치

I see.なるほど…
I will handle it.任せておけ

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