노디온의 왕녀 난나/대사


I am Nanna, a descendant of House Nordion. It is a pleasure to meet you.私はナンナ。ノディオン王家の血を引く者です。よろしくお願いしますね。

It feels a bit strange to suddenly be surrounded by so many people... I should be happy about it, shouldn't I?こうして皆様と一緒に過ごすなんてとても不思議な気分…でも、嬉しいものですね。
Oh, Mother... Might I meet you again in this world?ラケシス母様…この世界でならまたお会いできるのですね…
I'm relieved to see you patrolling the castle, just like always. But don't overtire yourself. We need you!いつも見回りご苦労様です。でも、いざという時のためにきちんと休みも取って下さいね。
Did you need something? Oh, you're just watching me work? That's odd. But everyone's odd, sometimes...あら、何か御用です?え、つい仕草を目で追ってしまった?ふふっ、変なことをおっしゃるのですね。
This castle is so tranquil, so peaceful... That's what I love about it. I hope it stays like this forever.このお城はとても穏やかで…つい見入ってしまいます。いつまでもこうであって欲しいものです。

친구 방문

It's so nice to meet you! I've come to deliver a greeting from [Friend].[フレンド]さんから、挨拶をもって参りました。どうぞよろしくお願いしますね。

레벨 업

What a wonderful feeling.ふふっ、とっても素敵な気分です。
Hope this is good enough!これでよいのでしょうか…?
I can't believe it!まあ、こんなこと…


This will help me help everyone.この力でさらに皆をお助けします。

5성 40레벨 달성

I can tell that you've put a lot of thought into my needs. It seems I always end up relying on others.
In my world, people who are very dear to me were hurt, but all I could do was look on...
I've been so frustrated by my own powerlessness.
Fighting alongside you, though... I've come to realize that battle is more than simply crossing swords.
I'll do my utmost to support you and everyone else who is gathered here...
And maybe, one day, I'll be able to stand up and protect those who I hold most dear.





오의 발동

I hope you can forgive me.お許しください
Let me through!通してください…
There's no other way...こうするしか…!
Don't you dare!いけません…!


Leif... Never give up...リーフ様…負けないで…


Are you hurt?お怪我はありませんか?
Please...let me heal you.癒してさしあげます。
I am Nanna, daughter of Lachesis, and niece to Lord Eldigan.ナンナと申します。エルトシャン王の妹ラケシスの娘です。
Aah! Don't DO that!きゃあっ! …あ、あなたは何を考えているのですか!
Leif has always been so kind to me. We're as close as brother and sister...リーフ様は私に、兄妹のように優しく接してくださいました…
Now that I'm older, I understand how my mother felt...同じ女として、母様の気持ちはわかります…
I've been praying for your safety.あなたのご無事を、ずっと祈っています…

아군 턴 터치

What should I do?どうしますか?
Show me the way.御指示ください

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