마도정령의 총아 니노/대사


Hi, I'm Nino! I may not be great at studying, but I'll work hard to learn as much as I can!あたし、ニノです!お勉強は、ちょっと苦手だけど……みんなをお手本にしてがんばるね!

Didja know that at this school you're more respected for the classes you take instead of your age?あのね、学校では上の級の人をセンパイ、下の級の子をコーハイっていうんだよ。年は関係ないんだって!
That green-haired student said it may be best that people don't know I can commune with spirits. Wonder why?あたしが精霊とお話し出来るってこと、あまり知られないほうがいいみたい。緑の髪のセンパイがね、そう言ってた。
Hey, you're doing great! You deserve a break. Let me grab you some water!うん、がんばったね!じゃあ、休み時間!お水もってきてあげるね!
I'm so inspired by all the fancy books here! Do you think even I could write a book someday?字を読むだけでも大変なのに、本を書ける人ってすごすぎ!あたしもいつか書けるかなあ?
They say you gotta rest your mind just like your body. So make sure to take it easy after all your hard work!頭は使った分だけ、休ませてあげないといけないんだって!がんばったから、たくさん休まないと!

친구 방문

Oh, hi! You're the summoner, right? The name's Nino! Here on behalf of [Friend].あなたが[召喚師]さん?[フレンド]さんのとこから、お使いに来たんだよ。

레벨 업

If it means creating a more peaceful world, I'll do my best to stand and fight by your side!平和な世界を作るために力が必要なら!あたしは全力で立ち向かう…生き抜いてみせる、あたしの戦いを!
Hope everyone's watching, 'cause I'm going all out!みんな見てくれてるかな……あたし、がんばるから!
Uh, what? Guess I kinda messed up...え、あれっ?ちょっとつまずいちゃった……


Wow, thank you! I'm gonna— Uh, I mean, I shall perform to the best of my ability!わあっ、ありがとう!あたしがんばる……がんばります!

5성 40레벨 달성

Growing up, I didn't spend much time with kids my own age. But I always dreamed of going to school.
It sounds pretty nice to learn from wise teachers, doesn't it? Oh, and also to play with friends!
I've always wanted to create the kind of world where people didn't have to live in fear and uncertainty.
A world where kids can study and fall in love without a care. Everyone should be able to live like that.
So I gotta work even harder to make it happen! I can count on your help, right, [Summoner]?





오의 발동

Here comes the magic!魔道の力よ…!
I'll show ya what I can do!見せてあげる!
I'm ready to fight!勝負だよ!
It's a BIG one!全力で!


Not strong enough yet…もっと…強くならなきゃ…


I love festivals. I couldn't get to sleep last night at all!お祭りってわくわくしちゃう! 昨日は眠れなかったよー。
*gasp* Oh, it's just you.ひゃあっ!? あ、なんだ、あなたかー。
They say Khadein is a town where people study magic! Did'ya know that?カダインって魔道の勉強をする町なんだって! 知ってた?
If I studied really hard, could I help even more? Oh, I hope so.あたしもちゃんと勉強したら、もっとみんなの役に立てるかなあ?
I'm better at reading than I used to be. Everybody's been so kind to help me.みんなが教えてくれたから、前よりも字が読めるようになったんだ。
Festivals would be even more fun if my brothers could go...お祭り…にいちゃんたちと回ったら楽しいだろうな…
The time I spend with you is just plain fun! You're a good friend.あなたのおかげで、楽しいことがいっぱい! いつもありがとうね。

아군 턴 터치

Sounds good!いいね
I dunno...迷うなあ…
Here I go!よーし!

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