유랑의 용병기사 노아/대사


I'm Noah, of the Ilian mercenaries. It's always good to gather more allies. I look forward to working together.おれはノア、イリア傭兵騎士団の一員だ。戦力は多いにこしたことはないだろう。よろしくな。

Trec and I were part of a ragtag group of recruits General Zelot molded into respectable knights.おれやトレック、グラント、シークス…同期の騎士はゼロット将軍のおかげで一人前になれたようなものだ。
I've heard of a Sacaen warrior called the Saint of Swords who fought off an entire bandit horde all by himself.故郷の村が山賊に襲われたとき、サカの旅人が賊全員を斬り捨てたという。それが【剣聖】と呼ばれる伝説の人物だ。
If I may be blunt, I'm not here for friendship. All I ask is that you tell me when and where to strike the enemy.かかわり合うのは遠慮させてもらうよ。作戦を教えてくれればいい。
It's not like I'm expecting to save the world or anything...but at times I do wonder what all of this fighting is for.別に世界を救ってやろうとか考えてたわけじゃないが……戦って何になるのかと思うこともある。
Oh, these? They're supplies I need to write an important letter someday. For now, the page remains blank.ああ……これかい?いつか書く手紙のためのものでね。まだ、白紙なんだ。

친구 방문

I have been contracted to deliver these supplies on behalf of your ally, [Friend].[フレンド]さんからの品です。確かにお渡ししました。

레벨 업

The chaos of the battlefield requires quick thinking—as long as you don't disobey a direct order, of course.命令にそむくことはマズイが、それ以外は臨機応変にいかないとね。
I presume your strategy predicted this result? I am ready and waiting for your next command.作戦通りといったところかい?次の指示を待っているよ。
Yesterday's friend may be today's foe... The reality of mercenary work in times of conflict is harsh.昨日の味方が敵になることもある。戦争はつらいものだ。


I fight only for my homeland's sake. What money I earn goes directly into providing for those back home.おれは祖国のために戦うだけだ。そして、生きる糧をイリアへ送る。

5성 40레벨 달성

Ilian mercenary squads are always accompanied by a small detachment of non-combatant pegasus riders.
These women are responsible for a sacred duty should any soldiers fall in battle.
Upon such a loss, they will return to Ilia to deliver a special letter to the loved ones of the deceased.
The other knights who enlisted with me have already given their letters to the riders. I haven't yet...
When I imagine the heartbroken face of a family member or lover when my letter arrives on their doorstep, I...
I don't want to inflict that sort of pain on anyone. The stronger the bond, the easier your heart breaks.
Whether or not you agree, you can at least understand where I'm coming from, can't you?
Please, there's no need to look at me like that, Summoner. You can be sure that I won't let my death come easily.





오의 발동

Leave this to me.おまかせください
You're mine!とらえた!
I will face anyone.どんな相手だろうと
For Ilia!イリアのために!


So be it...まあ…いいか…


Well met. I am Noah, of Ilia's knights.おれはノア。イリア傭兵騎士団の者だ。よろしくな。
Oh! You certainly are a friendly one, aren't you?わっ! 驚いた。きみは随分人懐っこいんだな。
I see Fir hasn't changed at all. Even here in Askr, she's still striving to hone her sword skills.フィルさんは、ここでも剣の修行に励んでるようだね。変わらないなあ。
Following orders is admirable, certainly, but sometimes the only way to win is by improvising.命令に背くことはまずいが、それ以外は臨機応変にいかないとね。
It is thanks to General Zelot that I've been able to come this far.おれはゼロット将軍のおかげでここまで来られたようなものさ。
Nobles from other countries say that Ilia survives by...peddling death... Is it so?イリアは死を売って生きてると他国の貴族には言われるよ。
For you, I will fight to the best of my ability. Anything, if it means not losing you.精一杯戦うよ。きみを失うことがないように。

아군 턴 터치

Very well.ああ
What next?どうする?
Rest assured.ご安心を

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