마왕의 혼례 오보로/대사


I'm Oboro of Hoshido, and I'm dressed as a bride for the festival! Do you think I pull off the look?私は白夜王国のオボロ。今回の祭りで花嫁役を担当するの。どう? お洒落にきまってる?

I've made countless kimonos in my time, but I never imagined I would one day make my own bridal attire.これまで何着も着物を仕立ててきたけどまさか自分の花嫁衣装を仕立てる日が来るなんてね。
I hope my mother and father can see me right now...from on high.天国にいる父さんと母さんもきっとこの姿を見てくれているわよね…
Garments like these are for brides on their wedding days. A special occasion calls for a special outfit.この白無垢を着られるのは花嫁の特権。晴れやかな祝いの日を飾る特別なお洒落なのよ。
Look, Hinata's fixed up his hair for once! It's usually so long and scraggly.今日のヒナタは、珍しく髪型も決まってるじゃない。ふふっ…昔は伸び放題のボサボサだったのに。
No, of course I'm not marrying the Demon King! Don't joke about things like that!誰が魔王の嫁入りですって!?その呼び方はお洒落じゃないから禁止よ、禁止!

친구 방문

Wow, this would be a perfect spot for a honeymoon! ...Ah, why did I come here again?
Oh, right! I came to pass along [Friend]'s regards!

레벨 업

This bodes well for my future!新たな門出に、これは幸先いいわね!
I will stride proudly down the aisle!器量よしのお嫁さんにならなきゃね。
Ah, there's a tear in my kimono. I'll have to mend it.花嫁衣装にほつれが…!すぐに直さないと!


I will learn to be a good partner, and a good hero.英雄としても花嫁としてももっと成長してみせるわ。

5성 40레벨 달성

This might seem like it's coming out of nowhere, but, um...are you wed, [Summoner]?
I was trying on wedding outfits, and I got to thinking about marriage. Seems like such a big decision.
I mean, your whole life changes! And what's more, THEIR whole life changes! It's not as simple as a crush.
You can have crushes left and right, no problem! Marriage, on the other hand, is so...permanent!
I'm just dressing up as a bride today, but if I ever become the real thing, it has to be with the right person.





오의 발동

May you find love!愛をあなたに
How do I look?お洒落でしょ?
Make me happy!幸せにして!
This, I vow!誓いまーす!


My groom, where is he...お婿さん…どこ…?


I'm Oboro of Hoshido. I've been looking forward to this for a long time!私は白夜王国のオボロ。今日はすっごく楽しみにしてたんだから!
Whoa! Don't startle me... Today of all days, I do not want to make that scary face!ぎゃあっ!? や、やめてよ。こんな日に怖い顔したくないの!
What do you think of my take on bridal attire? I gave this one everything I had.どう? 婚礼衣装も私のセンスでお手の物よ。ステキでしょ?
Hmm... I see a couple places where the stitches could use reinforcing. Here, and here...うーん、まだこの裾の部分が気になるのよね…
A love that lasts for eternity... How wonderful. Some day, I hope to swear a solemn vow myself.永遠の愛かあ…私もいつか誰かと誓いたいな…
My ideal groom? Why not Lord Takumi? *mischievous laugh*花婿はやっぱり…タ、タクミ様とか? うふっ、うふふふ……
When it's your turn, I hope you'll come find me so I can tailor you the perfect wedding attire!あなたの婚礼衣装も、私がばっちり仕立ててあげるからね!

아군 턴 터치

Of course.もちろん
A misstep...こっちかしら…
An unbroken stitch.ずっと一緒に

캐릭터 페이지로