다키아의 도적 판/대사


The name's Perne. Neat place you've got here. I'd like to meet whoever's in charge.俺はパーン。おもしろそうなところじゃねえか。気に入った、俺をリーダーに紹介しろ!

Abandoning all the power that comes with being a priest of Loptr... That Salem's a strange one.ロプトの神官っていやぁ今や皇帝よりもえらいっていうのに、セイラムってのは変わり者だぜ。
We're thieves, not murderers. That said, our numbers are growing, and some...disagree with me.俺たちは盗賊だが、人殺しはしない。だが最近は仲間が増えて、言うことを聞かない奴も出てきた。
Night's fast approaching. Look after yourself, all right?そういえば、もう夜だな。身体を大切にしろよ。
If I were the prince of Askr, I sure wouldn't let someone as useful as you wriggle away.俺がアスクの王子様なら、あんたみたいな便利なやつ絶対逃がさねえぜ。
I trust you. Do with me as you will.あんたに預けてるからな。俺をどう使うか、どうとでも好きにしてくれ。

친구 방문

Pretty nice castle... What's your name? It's [Summoner]?
I'll remember that. I think we're gonna get along just fine.

레벨 업

Hmph, idiots. I bet you thought I was no more than a simple thief.ふん、バカなやつらめ。このパーンさまをただの盗賊と思うなよ!
I'm not interested in killing.人殺しはしない。シュミじゃないんだ。
What? Got something to say?ん? なんか言ったか?


Do you think I'm the kind of person who can be bought? Well, perhaps I could accept a gift from a friend...それで恩を売ったつもりか?このパーンさまをなめるんじゃねぇぜ!と言いたいところだが…ありがとな。

5성 40레벨 달성

Y'know, I think I know what's next for me after hanging around all these Heroes.
I'm not interested in being some noble's flunky, but I'm not planning on thieving in Dacia forever either.
Thracia's my home. It's in my best interest to help it find peace, so I figure I should help out Prince Leif.
I'll cut ties with Cullough and his goons and become a regular hero of Thracia.
I'll bring Troude and Salem along with me, of course... Was that a chuckle just now, Summoner?
Do you think I'm joking? You should know that when ol' Perne makes a plan, he follows through.
So don't forget it. Actually, why don't you come along with us, pal? Promise there'd be no dull moments!





오의 발동

Here it comes.いまいましい!
Thought you'd run?逃げられるとでも?
Oh, no, no, no.だめだっつうに


*groan* Of all the...ちぇっ…なんてことだ…


Now this is a place that could keep my interest for a spell. Oh, me? I'm Perne.俺はパーンだ。なかなかおもしろそうなところじゃねえか。
What? Reckless, aren't you? I'd get a handle on that, if I were you.おわっ!? このやろ…! 命知らずな真似しやがって。
I trust you. Do as you will.あんたを信用しよう。どうとでも好きにしてくれ。
I see you thinking "that Perne's no more than a thief." I would invite you to think again.このパーンさまをただの盗賊だと思うなよ!
You'll want to check under Lifis for puddles. Unless he's learned to stop wetting his pants by now.リフィスのやつ、ガキの頃のおもらしのくせはなおったのか?
I will escape this life of petty thievery one day... Oh, yes.俺もいつまでもダキアの盗賊でもあるまいしな。
Ah, we're the best of friends now. Aren't we?仲良くやっていこうぜ、なっ!

아군 턴 터치

Why not?いいぜ
What was that?なんだそりゃ?
Leave it to me.まかせとけ

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