좋은 친구 라이/대사


I am Ranulf, a warrior of Gallia. That doesn't matter to you, though, does it? Let's just take it nice and easy.オレはライ、ガリア王国の戦士だ。そんなかしこまられるようなモンじゃない。気楽に行こうぜ、気楽にさ。

What a sweet little vacation...this isn't going to be. We'll just have to see what happens, I suppose.物見遊山…てわけにもいかないか。さぁて、どうなることやら。
There's a beorc in my world who's a little bit...different. Nice guy. Wonder if there's anybody like that here.オレの知り合いの中に、ちょっと変わったベオクがいてな…この国にもあんな、見てて飽きないヤツがいたらいいんだが。
Forgive me for saying this, but... Beorc sure do fret over the strangest things. Why can't they learn to relax?なんつーか、ベオクは変なことで悩むよな~。もっと力を抜いた方が楽に生きられるぜ?
Is the color of my eyes really so strange? Don't stare too long. I'll melt away...オレの目の色がそんなに不思議か?そんなにまじまじ見られてたら溶けてなくなっちまうよ。
Oh, I'm doing my part. I'm patrolling... That's it—patrolling. Gotta put these ears and nose to work, don't I?サボってるわけじゃないんだぞ。そう…見張りだ、見張り。オレは目も鼻も利くからな、ホントだぞ。

친구 방문

My name is Ranulf. I'm here on behalf of [Friend]. Let's take a little break, hmm?オレの名はライ。[フレンド]から差し入れだ。適当に息抜きもしろよな!

레벨 업

My senses feel...sharper! That's the word, right? Sharper.いいねぇ、この感じ。感覚が研ぎ澄まされるっていうの?
Oh, yeah...feeling good. Now you're going to see the fruits of my training!調子が出てきた、ってね。鍛錬の成果を見せてやるぜ!
Uh-oh. Little bit sloppy. Gotta get myself riled up!…おおっと!だらしないとこ見せちまったぜ。もう少し気合を入れてかないとな。


Well, then. Will this bring forth something bad, or something good? Let's see...さぁて…この力が凶と出るか、吉と出るか…

5성 40레벨 달성

You are one focused individual, aren't you? Are you on a mission of self-improvement or something?
You look a little tired, if you ask me. There's a lot of tension stored in your shoulders. Try to relax...
Look, I know how it is. All the people here expect the world from you, and you push yourself way too hard.
This is a beorc thing, I guess. But no matter how strong you are, if you exhaust yourself, that's it.
You can rely on me sometimes, you know. Just forget about today's battle and let me handle it.
That would be irresponsible? No, you're completely turned around. If you drop, what happens then?
Well, I've said my piece for today. Just give your pal Ranulf a call when you need him, OK?





오의 발동

I'm gonna bring you down.仕留めておくか
I'll end this here.ケリをつける
Didn't expect THIS, did you?突然で悪いが…
Hey, you! Over here!相手してもらおうか


I'm leaving everything in your hands...後は…任せた…


I'm Ranulf, right hand to Gallia's future king...basically.オレはライ。次代のガリア王の片腕だ。…一応な。
What, you've never seen someone with ears like mine?ん? オレの耳が気になるのか?
I'm not like the other laguz. I get myself mixed up in the problems of the beorc.ベオクを気にかけてるオレは、ラグズの中じゃ変わり者かな。
Oh, sorry. I'm interrupting you.あ、オレ…もしかして邪魔してる?
A tail is a good thing to have! Oh you poor beorc... I can't imagine living without a tail.尻尾はいいぜ~。尻尾なしの人生なんて考えられないぜ。
Sothe and Ike look so much older now. Beorc grow up so fast...サザもアイクも大きくなったもんだ…ベオクは成長が早くて驚くよ。
I want to see you make it to the end. Do it for me! Just kidding.このまま最後まで生き残ってくれよ? オレのために…なんて。

아군 턴 터치

Here we go.ああ
Back at it.さて、と
Let's go, then.そうするか

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