자경단 견습 리히트/대사


I'm Ricken. I'm a practiced mage— and before you ask, yes, I'm old enough to fight.僕はリヒト! 練習した魔法できっと役に立ってみせるから!子ども扱いするのはナシだよ…!

Chrom saved my life. I want to repay that debt by becoming just like him.クロムさんには、命を助けられた恩があるんだ。僕もクロムさんのように勇気と強さをもった人間になりたい!
My family's an old and noble one, but we've fallen on hard times. I hope I'll be able to rectify that.僕の家は、由緒正しい血筋なんだけど今はおんぼろ屋敷に住んでるんだ…。早く一人前になって家族を支えたいな。
I've taken notes on all of Chrom's battles. I'm sure they'll come in handy when I give him counsel.クロムさんの戦いを記録してたこともあるんだ。僕が将来、側近になったとき必ず役に立つから!
I was only a novice when I joined the Shepherds to follow Chrom. Here in Askr, I'm aiming to be so much more!クロム自警団では見習いだったけどアスク王国ではヴァイス・ブレイヴの一員として活躍してみせるよ!
Don't ask me to sit by while my friends, my family, and my country are in danger.僕らの国が…家族が…友だちが危ないのに、おとなしくしてられない。僕にみんなを守らせてよ!

친구 방문

Hello! I'm Ricken. I brought you a gift, courtesy of [Friend].こんにちは! 僕の名前はリヒト。[フレンド]さんから贈り物を預かってきたよ。

레벨 업

I'll protect everyone from now on!これからは僕がみんなを守るからね!
EWWW! Leggo! No noogies!ちょっとー! 頭撫でないでよ!子ども扱いしないでってばー!


This is for me?! Thank you so much! I won't let you down!これを僕に!? うれしいな!期待には応えなきゃね!

5성 40레벨 달성

Hey, do you think there's anything more I can do to be useful around here, [Summoner]?
Being useful to people is important to me. That's why I trained so hard back in Ylisse, so I could help Chrom.
One thing I noticed pretty quickly, though...training and combat aren't even close to the same thing.
I'll admit that when I think about fighting actual people who actually want to kill me, my hands still shake.
I can't shy away from that, though. There are people I want to protect, and to do that, I have to fight.
So, I've resolved to make myself useful—not just to Chrom, but to you and Askr too.





오의 발동

Who are you calling little?!子供じゃないよ!
I can handle myself!役に立つよ!
I'm not giving up!あきらめない!
Don't try to stop me!止めても無駄だよ


But I wanted to grow up…僕も…大人に……


I'm Ricken! I'll show you my skill with magic!僕はリヒト! 僕の魔法がきっと役に立つよ!
What? I'm not playing tag with you.わあっ!? もう…君まで僕を子供扱いするの?
All Chrom does is treat me like a child.クロムさんってば、いっつも僕を子供扱いするんだから…
Am I lonely being so far from my family? Hm... Maybe a little.家族と離れて寂しくないかって? うーん、ちょっとはね。
My dream is to become Chrom's right-hand man and most trusted ally.僕の将来の夢はね、クロムさんの側近になることなんだ。
Boy, do I need to grow up in a hurry...あーあ、早く大人になりたいなあ。
I'll grow to be someone you can trust to protect you. Just wait and see!頼りになる大人になって、君を守ってあげるからね。

아군 턴 터치

I've got it!わかったよ
Um, what do I do?どうしよう?
I can handle this!僕にまかせて

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