마음으로부터 감사를 루플레/대사


My name is Robin, the tactician for Chrom's Shepherds. I have a strategy for livening up this Day of Devotion.私はルフレ。クロム自警団で軍師を務めています。愛の祭り…私の策で盛り上げてみせましょう。

Love is such a tricky thing. It can be someone's critical weakness, just as it can be their source of strength.愛は不思議ですね。それは時に人の弱点にもなり予想以上の力を生む原動力にもなる。
That man with Chrom is a Robin from another world, right? They get along so well, I'm almost jealous...クロムさんと一緒にいたのは別の異界の私でしょうか?仲が良さそうで、ちょっと妬けます…
What do you think of my outfit? Hmm... I wonder if Chrom would share your opinion...[召喚師]さんこの衣装、似合っていますか?クロムさんに見せても大丈夫…でしょうか。
My tactical treatises contain nothing about love. I suppose I'll have to fill in the blanks myself...普段、私が広げている戦術書には愛については書かれていません。自分で学ばなくてはなりませんね…。
Empathy, compassion, and gratitude are our best weapons against the forces of darkness and despair.お互いを想いやれる優しさと感謝の気持ち。それこそが絶望に立ち向かう力になると思うのです。

친구 방문

The Day of Devotion reminds us to show our friends we care. That's why [Friend] sent me![フレンド]さんから日頃の感謝の品をお届けします。友情が、いつまでも続きますように。

레벨 업

I've survived so many conflicts... Through them, I've learned that love can transcend any obstacle.想いは必ず届く。幾多の戦いを経て私はそのことを知ることができました。
I hope that those closest to me understand just how truly grateful I am for them.感謝の気持ち…大切な人たちに伝えたい。
Perhaps I am over-complicating this. Expressing love may not require such an intricate strategy, after all...愛を伝えるのに策を弄す必要はないのですね…


I appreciate this token of your affection. I will not let it go to waste.これがあなたの愛の形なのですね。決して無駄にはしません。

5성 40레벨 달성

My mind was a blank slate when I first met Chrom. I couldn't remember anything, not even who I was.
Because of that, I didn't have any goals, nor any drive to move forward. All I had were my skills as a tactician.
Thankfully, I was welcomed in by Chrom and the rest of the Shepherds. They made me feel at home.
They taught me everything I know about courage and hope, and for that I am forever grateful.
They showed me the love that we all share for our world...and the strength required to shield it from harm.
I think the greatest act of gratitude I could express is sharing that joy with everyone I meet.





오의 발동

Delivered with love.愛を届けます
I've put all my heart into this!想いを込めて…
Please accept this.受け取ってください
Let's be together forever.これからも一緒に…


So much left to say...感謝が…足りませんでしたね…


I hear today is the Day of Devotion—the perfect chance to show how much we love the people who are always there for us.今日は愛の祭りだそうです。日頃の想いを伝えに行きましょう。
Hm? Oh, you have a present for me? That's so sweet of you!きゃあっ…! えっ、私に贈り物ですか? 嬉しい…
There are many I am grateful to, but even among them, Chrom is special.感謝してる人はたくさんいますけど、クロムさんは特別です。
Flowers! And they smell so lovely... I've been told flowers soothe the soul, and I tend to agree.お花、とってもいい香り…。お花があるだけで幸せな気持ちになりますね。
Would you mind waiting a moment? I need to figure out the optimal route for getting to every stall before the festival ends.お祭りの屋台を効率よく回る策を練っているんです。うーん…
Showing our gratitude and being considerate of others... That's how we make a kinder, more peaceful world.お互いに感謝して、思い合って、こうして平和は築かれるんですね。
Here, this flower reminded me of you. I hope that we can continue to fight side by side, just like this.はい。この花は私の気持ちです。これからも共に戦わせてください。

아군 턴 터치

Of course.ええ
Love can be tricky...迷います…
Your joy is mine as well.喜んでくれますか?

캐릭터 페이지로