벽색의 기사 소르/대사


H-hi, I'm Stahl, of the Shepherds. Sorry—can't tell if my stomachache is nerves or my three lunches!こんにちは、僕はソール。クロム自警団の一員だよ。き、緊張してお腹痛くなってきた…!

I'm so glad everyone here seems nice. It's always uncertain when you come to a new place.良かった…ここの人たちはみんな、いい人ばかりみたいだ。最初は不安だったんだよね。
In the Shepherds, I spent my time taking care of horses and fighting ruffians. I miss the routine of it...自警団では馬の世話をしたり、賊と戦って治安を守ったりしてたよ。あの頃はまだ、平和だったなあ…
You seem well right now, but if you start to get sick, let me know—I know all kinds of recipes for tonics.今日も元気そうだね。でも、もし体調が悪くなったら言って。胃薬ぐらいなら調合できるからさ。
Say, do you want to get something to eat sometime? I want to try the best foods this kingdom can offer!ねえ、一緒にご飯食べに行かない?せっかくだし、この国の名物を色々と開拓しておきたくってさ。
I tried to fix my hair—does it look OK? Once a Risen attacked me, thinking I looked like a vegetable...寝癖を直してたんだけど…どうかな?昔、野菜と間違えられて、屍兵に狙われたことがあるんだよね…

친구 방문

Ah, I finally found you. A friend sends sincere regards. Who, you say? It was [Friend]!あ、やっと見つけた![フレンド]が君に、よろしく伝えてって言ってたよ。

레벨 업

Amazing! I can hardly believe I'm still me!今までの僕よりずっと強くなれたよ!
Yes! Progress!良かった…!成長できた…!
Sorry. I'll try to do better...ご、ごめんね。もっと頑張るよ…


Thanks for the edge—I'd better get in some practice!力をくれてありがとう。これからもっと腕を磨くよ!

5성 40레벨 달성

Whew, good training session! Must be time to find a sna— Oh, hey, [Summoner]!
Awww! You brought me a sandwich! I was just about to grab something to eat! Thanks!
You're always looking out for me. I can't even count how many times you've saved me on the battlefield!
But I've noticed that people who take care of others sometimes forget to take care of themselves.
That's why I'm keeping my eye on you! Don't push yourself too hard, and I'll do my best to support you.
え? このパンを僕に?もうすぐお腹が空くだろうと思って持ってきてくれたの? ありがとう!





오의 발동

I love this part.これで決める!
Get ready.覚悟…っ!
Let's do this!やっちゃうよー!
Got a good feeling about this!勝たせてよね!


Got me good...負けを…認めるよ…


Hey, thanks for coming by to chat!話しかけてくれて、嬉しいよ
I'm a proud member of the Shepherds. We help people.僕はクロム自警団の一員なんだよ
Why are you star— Is my hair sticking up again?もしかして僕、髪に寝癖ついてる…?
If I train hard enough, maybe someday I can match the legendary Panther.伝説の「黒豹」目指して、訓練訓練
My father was an apothecary—I learned a thing or two about medicine from him.僕の実家は薬屋なんだ。薬の調合は得意だよ
M-my stomach hurts—I think I ate too much again...お、お腹が痛い…また食べ過ぎちゃったかな…
I can be a bit of a fool for food, but I'll work hard for you.僕、たまにおっちょこちょいだけど…君たちのために頑張ってみせるよ

아군 턴 터치

Let's go.行こう!
Got it.待ってよー

캐릭터 페이지로