미래를 향해 날아가는 왕녀 타나/대사


I am Tana, princess of Frelia. As long as I have this bow my brother entrusted to me, I will never lose.わたしはフレリアの王女、ターナよ。お兄さまからお預かりしたこの弓があればどんな敵にも負けたりしないわ!

Eirika and I are both childhood friends and comrades in battle. She has my trust, and I hers.エイリークとは幼馴染だけど戦場でも支え合った間なの。お互いに信頼し合っているのよ。
Innes will carry Frelia into the future. I must grow into someone who can support him in that task.ヒーニアスお兄さまは未来のフレリアを背負って立つ存在。支えるわたしも成長しないとね!
I am inexperienced with the bow, but tell me—do you think that I can master it with practice?弓は苦手なんだけど…こうやって少しずつ慣れていけば使いこなすことができるかしら。
Syrene is like a big sister to me. Her skill as a knight and her kindness set wonderful examples.シレーネは姉のような存在なの。彼女の天馬騎士としての強さや人としての温かさに、学ぶことばかりよ。
I've made changes to my garb. I hope to show it off to Eirika soon. I think she'll have nice things to say!装束も新調してみたの。エイリークにも早く見てもらいたい…。きっと褒めてくれると思うわ。

친구 방문

I am Tana, princess of Frelia. I carry a vow of unceasing friendship from [Friend].フレリアの王女、ターナよ。[フレンド]から変わらぬ友情の証を届けにきたわ。

레벨 업

Watch me, Innes. I will open a path to the future, grasping the bow you have entrusted me.見ていてください、お兄さま。わたしに預けてくれたこの弓で、未来を開きます!
I must bring this battle to a quick end. I cannot allow any more lives to be sacrificed.これ以上、犠牲は増やせないわ。早く戦いを終わらせないと…。
Another miss! Archery is challenging indeed.弓って難しいのね。狙いがつけられないわ。


How pleasing. I will work even harder.うれしい!わたし、もっともっとがんばるわ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Born a princess, I lived knowing little of the world...
I learned, in time, that I had become accustomed to the luxuries of my sheltered world.
I left it to go to battle—for Magvel. Once I saw the suffering of the people, I realized it could not stand.
I fight for the people of Askr because I wish to shield them, too, from the flames of war. It is my duty as royalty.
Even I, who knew nothing of the world, could change it. I am certain anyone can grow, with determination.
I will continue to study, to learn what it is that I can do—all that is in my power to do, given my position.





오의 발동

My victory is assured!負けないわよ!
A clear, piercing shot!貫いてみせる!
Don't dare underestimate me!甘く見ないで!
Just do as Innes does.お兄さまみたいに…!


So careless...油断…しちゃった…


My brother is quite the bowman. Now that he's given me this bow, I hope that I can become as skilled!お兄様からお預かりしたこの弓…わたしに扱いきれるかな…?
*gasp* Why, you! This bow is a treasure. You almost made me drop it!きゃっ!? も、もう! 大事な弓を落としちゃうじゃない。
Like this? Hmm, no. That's not right. *sigh* Maybe I should ask Innes for help after all...ううん…、こうかな? やっぱりお兄さまに教えてもらおうかしら…
Archers make short work of pegasus knights. It pays to know your foe!天馬騎士にとって弓は天敵なの。でもまずは知ることよね。
I want to stand shoulder to shoulder with Innes on the battlefield, as Eirika does with Ephraim.エフラムとエイリークみたいに、お兄さまと肩を並べて戦いたいな。
Attired like this, I feel more confident on the battlefield. What do you think? Does it suit me?新しい衣装、ちょっと大人っぽく見えるかも…? うふふ…
Now that I can wield a bow, I can do even more for you. How wonderful!これでもっとあなたの役に立てるのね。嬉しいわ!

아군 턴 터치

Right you are!そうね
Leave it to me!任せて!

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