사막의 환영 체이니/대사


The name's Xane. So, these are the festival grounds? Who should I mimic first to make the biggest splash?俺はチェイニー。ここが祭りの会場かい?化けるのが大の得意でね。さてと…誰に変身して祭りを盛り上げようか!?

A festival for fighters, eh? Seems like there's a festival for everything! So... how 'bout one for dragons?武の祭りかぁ…なんでも祭りにしちまうんだな。竜の祭りとかもやってくれないかな!
Y'know, I remember princey dropping by an arena when he needed cash... Well, no danger of dyin' this time!そういやマルスたちも金に困ったら闘技場に通ってたな。ま、こっちの祭りは死にはしないけど!
I wonder if Kris would want to crack some skulls. Our powers combined, we'd sweep the competition!クリスは祭りに来てないのか?あいつは腕っ節が強いからなぁ。こういう祭りにもってこいだと思うけど。
Mirages are pretty common in the desert, right? They trick you into seeing things...just like me!海や砂の上に蜃気楼って出るよな。実態のない揺らめく幻影…まるで俺みたいだな、なんてな!
Y'know, I bet if I impersonated a dancer, I'd get everyone on their feet in no time! But who to choose...踊り子にでも変身してみんなを応援するのも面白そうだな!さーて、誰に化けようかな…?

친구 방문

How'd I get past your guards? Easy! I just went ahead and impersonated [Friend]. Hah!俺は変身が得意でね。[フレンド]に化けて、この城に入らせてもらったよ。

레벨 업

Yeah! This is the best feelin' in the world! Keep it up, keep it up!いいね、こういう活気は嫌いじゃない!もっと盛り上がろうぜ!
Hah hah! Life's too short not to laugh at yourself! Feelin' less nervous now? Good. No point bein' too serious.ははっ、そのびっくりした顔!緊張は解けたかい?もっと気楽にいこうぜ。
Dang! I knew somethin' was off. My transformation must've failed partway through...やばっ、なにか変だと思ったら…途中から変身が解けてたのか!?


Everyone's spirits are soarin' at this festival. And with this, mine are too!ずいぶんと景気のいい祭りだな!ありがたくもらっておくよ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Funny story: Nailah caught me right as I started to impersonate her. The wolf queen herself, outta nowhere.
Thought I was done for, but she just chuckled and said I didn't look nearly fierce enough for her liking...
Guess even royals like her gotta have a sense of humor. We both had a good laugh over that one.
Even though we're here to celebrate the land's seasons and culture, we gotta have fun while doing it too.
If I can help just one person forget their troubles for a day, I'm gonna keep at it till I collapse!





오의 발동

Not today!負けねえよ!
Wanna dance?遊んでやる
Let me show you!こんなもんか?
You're not getting away!逃げても無駄だぜ


They got me, dammit...くそっ…やられた…


Up and at 'em!そらよっと
Get back out there!しっかりしろって
This festival's a little on the rowdy side!何だか物騒な祭りに呼ばれちまったなあ。
Hey, what was that? You lookin' for a fight? This seems to be the place! *chuckle*おわっ…! 何だよ、お前も喧嘩売ってんのか?
Maybe I should change into someone with BIG muscles. I could muscle my way to the top of the heap!うーんと強い奴に化ければ、はったりで勝てねえかな?
Does it even matter who wins? But I guess I can't just watch, now can I?誰が勝とうと関係ないしなあ。見てるだけって訳にはいかないか…
Imagine if I changed into you and took the crown! Ain't gonna happen, but you'd be tickled, wouldn't you?お前に化けて優勝してやろうか? なーんてな!

아군 턴 터치

Let's see here...どれどれ…

캐릭터 페이지로