잿빛의 의협심 율리스/대사


I'm Yuri of the Ashen Wolves. What need might you have of this insignificant and beautiful creature?俺は灰狼の学級のユーリス。しがない美少年をこんなところに呼び出して、なにをさせるつもりだ?

Those in the church may consider Abyss to be "filthy," but some have no choice but to live underground.ご立派な教団の連中は、アビスのことを汚ねえ地下街だと思っているだろうが…ここでしか生きられない奴らもいるのさ。
I was meant to join the Blue Lions, but I ended up underground. I have my disagreements with the church.本来は青獅子の学級で平穏に過ごす予定だった。けどな、俺は教団のやり方が許せなくて、地下に行くことになったのさ。
Don't sit back and do nothing. You'll just end up dying needlessly. That's how it goes in my world, anyway.頑張らねえと死なねえときも死ぬんだよ。少なくとも今まで俺は…そういう世界で生きてきたからな。
I am but an insignificant and beautiful creature. Surely there's nothing I have to offer for your plight.見ての通り、俺はしがない美少年だ。あんたに協力してやれることは特にねえと思うんだけどな。
In this book, I've written down the names of the people I've failed to protect.
I can't let myself forget them. We share the same dream, after all.

친구 방문

Using me as a messenger boy... You can't help but laugh at [Friend]'s guts.ちっ、俺様を使いっ走りにするとは[フレンド]め…いい度胸してやがるぜ。

레벨 업

Don't forget who you're dealing with.俺を誰だと思ってやがる。場数が違うんだよ…!
I'll never be satisfied. *laughs* Who's next?この程度じゃ、俺様は満足しねえぞ。次行くぞ、次!
Well, that's, uh...yeah. Some days are just like this.あーその、なんだ、うん……こんな日もあるってことだ。


Now that feels good.さて、この力をどう使ったもんか。

5성 40레벨 달성

Strolling through the town, I saw no poverty or squalor anywhere I went. Not bad place to end up!
And the people? So friendly! Almost foolishly so. They called out to me as I passed, smiles on their faces.
Those smiles are fragile things. If war comes to Askr, they'll vanish in an instant, as will these carefree days.
I have no connection to this land. But I don't want to see smiling faces exchanged for sobbing ones.
As long as you keep fighting for these people, so will I.
I should have died of illness, but it seems I have good luck. I'll lend you that luck. Use it well.





오의 발동

You've had your fun.遊びは終わりだッ!
Better accept it.観念しな!
Step aside.邪魔すんじゃねえッ!


Just my luck...ついてねえな…


You can call me Yuri. You'll want to remember that.俺はユーリス。覚えておきな。
Oh! Whatever you think you heard, I wasn't singing.わっ…! 何だ? 歌? 歌なんか歌ってねえよ。
When I was young, my mother took in an elderly man. He ended up saving my life.俺は昔、母さんが拾ってきた爺さんに命を助けられたんだ。
Are you speechless? Am I that captivating?何ぼーっとしてんだ? 俺様の顔に見とれてんのか?
Helping people in need is what my gang's about.貧民街のみんなを助けてやることが俺の抱いてきた野望なのさ。
I don't even know much about where I come from—or why I have this Crest.俺は自分がよくわかってねえ。何でこんな紋章を持っているかも…
I may not seem like much of a chef, but I know a thing or two about cooking. I could make you something.これでも料理には自信があってね。あんたに食わせてやってもいい。

아군 턴 터치

This will be fun.嫌いじゃないぜ
Where to, friend?どっちだ?
I won't disappoint.応えねぇとな

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