냉철한 천마기사 디트바/대사


I am Díthorba, of the Four Heavenly Knights of Silesse, servant to Lord Myos. Where am I? And who are you?我はシレジア四天馬騎士、ディートバなり。トーヴェのマイオス公にお仕えする者だ。ここは何だ……貴様はどこの何者だ?

I left a young girl behind... Misha is her name. I hope she remains safe.ミーシャ……トーヴェに残したあの子は無事だろうか。
An amateur like Erinys made one of the Four Heavenly Knights? Absurd.フュリーのような未熟者が四天馬騎士の名誉を賜わるなど、いまだに信じられないわ!
Queen Lahna invited crisis to Silesse. The late king's brother, Lord Myos, must lead us now!ラーナ王妃はシレジアに危機を招きました。先王の兄弟であられるマイオス公こそいまシレジアに必要なお方なのです!
You come from another world, and yet here you lead a powerful army. Outstanding, [Summoner].[召喚師]様はこの国のご出身ではないのでしょう?それなのに一軍を率いて、ご立派ですわ。
These bracelets represent my hopes. One, for Silesse, that it will thrive, and two, for Misha, that her life is happy.この腕輪には私の願いが込められています。シレジアが偉大な国になること、そして我が子ミーシャの幸せを願う気持ちが。

친구 방문

I've come bearing a wish for a friendship never cut too short, from [Friend].[フレンド]公は[召喚師]様との末永き友好を願っておられます。

레벨 업

I am Díthorba, of the Four Heavenly Knights of Silesse. The skies are ours! All those under us will kneel!我はシレジア四天馬騎士、ディートバなり!この空は我々が支配した!地に膝をつき、ひれ伏すがいい!
Shame you had to die, but you may count yourself unfortunate having met me on the field of battle.かわいそうだが、死んでもらうよ。戦場で私に出会った不幸を嘆くがいい。
You embarrass me... I will not forgive this!私に恥をかかせたね……ゆるさない……!


With this, neither Annand nor Pamela will be able to stand against me. I will lead the Heavenly Knights!この力があれば私はマーニャにも、パメラにも負けない……四天馬騎士の筆頭になれる…!

5성 40레벨 달성

Ah. My liege Summoner... Or rather, er, [Summoner].
Life with my weapon in hand is all I know, and I had no place I belonged. I appreciate you taking me in.
I must not die yet—for the child I left behind... I cannot allow her to suffer a life like the one I've led...
Heh... Does that not sound like me? I suppose not. I am Díthorba of the Four Heavenly Knights, after all.
For now I will rest my wings at your side, if only for a fleeting moment. Peace here and now will have to do.


I have you!もらった!


Why you...!よくも…!

오의 발동

Misfortune frowns on you.不運を嘆くんだな
Your head will be my trophy!その首、もらうよ
Don't be absurd!笑わせるんじゃないわよ!
Time to die!死んでもらう!


What...have I done...?くっ…私としたことが…


I am Díthorba, one of the Four Heavenly Knights of Silesse.我はシレジア四天馬騎士の一人ディートバなり。
You will take your hand off me if you care to keep it.きゃっ…! な、なに!? 気安く触るんじゃないわよ!
That crybaby, Erinys, is no match for me.フュリーみたいな泣き虫、私の敵じゃないわ。
Annand is the captain of the Four Heavenly Knights of Silesse. For now.四天馬騎士の筆頭はマーニャだけど…いつか私が奪ってみせる。
Queen Lahna's time is over. Lord Myos must rule us.ラーナ王妃はもう終わり。マイオス公についた方が得策よ。
I will have the last laugh...eventually.最後に笑うのは私よ…見てらっしゃい…
I do not take betrayal lightly. Don't give me a reason to kill you.私の期待を裏切ったら…可哀そうだけど死んでもらう。

아군 턴 터치

Big talk.大きなことを
I suppose...行ってあげる

캐릭터 페이지로