야망의 신년 파프니르/대사


I am Fáfnir, king of Niðavellir. I'll show you lazy fools how to truly celebrate the New Year.俺はニザヴェリルの王、ファフニール。だらけきった貴様らとは一味違う正月の過ごし方を教えてやろう。

This "kimono" isn't bad. A shame it is only worn for the new year. Perhaps I will bring several back to Niðavellir.この着物と言う装束、悪くないぞ。年明けにしか着ないのはもったいねえ。何着かニザヴェリルに持ち帰るか。
Niðavellir also has its New Year's traditions. They are quite extravagant.ニザヴェリルにも伝統ある新年の祝いがあってな。それは豪華なものだぞ。
So the cogs have turned, bringing us into a new year...新しい年の歯車はすでに回りだした。泣こうが喚こうが、時間は戻らねえ。一日一日、覚悟を持って生きることだ。
You think you can be lazy just because it's the New Year, do you? What a childlike notion.年明けからだらけてるような奴が大したことできると思うか?甘えんだよ、お前らは。
Hmph, that Reginn. She wants a New Year's gift, though I don't know what she expects. Her pestering is endless.ちっ、レギンのやつ。そんなにお年玉とやらが欲しいのか…これ以上、うろちょろされてはかなわん。

친구 방문

I, Fáfnir, Niðavellir's king, have come to deliver a New Year's greeting in place of [Friend].ニザヴェリルの王、ファフニールが[フレンド]に代わり新年の挨拶に来てやったぞ。

레벨 업

New Year's Day determines one's fate in the coming year. My victories are clearly secured.一年の計は元旦にある。今年も俺の勝利は揺らがねえってことだ。
Did you think that I would let my guard down just because of the New Year?正月だからと言って俺が油断するとでも思ったか。
Pathetic... Have even I been distracted by this festive spirit?情けねえ…俺も浮かれてたってのか…?


Yes...this is good. You would do well to continue admiring my prowess.そうだ、それでいい。その殊勝な心掛け、今年も忘れるなよ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Even as the calendar changes to a new year, my goals remain the same, as will my actions to achieve them.
I will make Niðavellir a force to be feared, richer and stronger than all who oppose us. That is my duty.
Summoner, our contract demands that I lend my strength to your cause for the sake of Askr.
However, when peace returns, I will resume my own ambitions. My plans are already being laid.
I have no need to pray to vague god-like idols at the new year; I will succeed by my strength alone.
Although, I understand you weaklings may need to rely on gods. Now, let's go. I'll be at your side...watching.





오의 발동

Let's celebrate...祝ってやる
As the years turn...新しい年だ
Only the beginning!始まらねえよ
Eternal night!永遠に寝てろ


I've been made a fool...ふざけ…やがって…


You are in the presence of Fáfnir, Niðavellir's king. Greetings in this...new year.ニザヴェリル王ファフニールが、新年の祝いに来てやったぞ。
...You have some spine, approaching me like that.…この俺に馴れ馴れしく触れるとは、度胸のある奴だな。
Starting the year by visiting a shrine for good luck? Hah! As if the gods will favor you any more in the new year...初詣? ハッ! 新年早々神頼みか。
In Niðavellir, the New Year pyrotechnics are something to behold...我がニザヴェリルの新年は、それはそれは荘厳なものだ。
This kimono...is acceptable, I've decided.この着物というやつは気に入ったぞ。なかなか趣味がいい。
Reginn continues to trail behind me... What is she expecting from me?レギンがやたら周りをうろちょろするんだが…何を期待している…?
At New Year, it's customary to give gifts to those beneath you... Here—this is for you.正月は目下の輩に施しをするらしいな。ほら、受け取れ。

아군 턴 터치

Take your time...早くしろ
Ring them in...面を拝んでやる

캐릭터 페이지로