사나운 호염 무스펠/대사


You have some guts to call upon Múspell, the great god of flame. I will light this world ablaze!この炎神ムスペル様を呼びつけるとは、ええ度胸やないか。祭りも世界も、ド派手に燃やしたる!

In a contest of strength, that wretch Nifl would stand no chance! I would hurl her off the edge of this world!力比べやったら、ニフルのクサレ外道に負けるワケがないっちゅうねん。世界の果てまで投げ飛ばしたるわ!
You are no more than beasts. You understand that? Fight the hardest, and you live! ...Sounds ideal to me!ええか、人間ちゅう奴は獣と同じじゃ。生きることが戦うことに繋がっとる。かかっ、ワシは嫌いやないで!
I could get used to clothes like this. Jangling, dangling armor gets in the way. This, however...just right.この祭り装束、なかなかええのう。ジャラジャラした鎧や兜は好かん。こういうんでええんじゃ、こういうんでな!
Why don't you set that divine weapon of yours aside and fight me with your own two hands, huh?!おう、[召喚師]。ワレもけったいな神器なんぞ捨てて身体ひとつで勝負してみい!
Hah! Even if they attacked all together, I will yield to no gaggle of fresh-sprouted weaklings!かかっ! ヒョロモヤシどもが束になってカチこんできてもワシはビクともせえへんわ!

친구 방문

You're [Summoner]?
I am here to challenge you to a contest of strength, in place of [Friend]!

레벨 업

Let it be burned into your mind just how the god of flame fights!かかかっ! これが炎神様のケンカや!ようその目に焼き付けとけぇ!
Show your face and I'll reduce you to ashes!次にワシの前にツラ見せたら消し炭にしたる!
What?! Absurd...なんやて!?んなアホな…!


Now this is something I can find a use for!よっしゃよっしゃ!ワレ、なかなか見どころがあるのう!

5성 40레벨 달성

I still have fight left in me. Show me my next opponent already!
I want the beast that remains once you burn away the love, peace, and all that other worthless prattle.
A beast fights or dies. If you do not fight, you cannot survive. A bizarre twist of fate, to be sure!
Rejoice! You are in luck! Life without struggle has no value—fight to create a meaning for your worthless life!
If you refuse to fight, you are already dead.
So, why not show me to my next opponent while you still have life left in you? The festival rolls on!





오의 발동

A fool approaches!こンのボケが
Ha! What is this?なめとんのか
Enough sniveling.奥歯ガタガタいわしたろか
Become ash by my hand!カチ割んぞ




Haha! Why is every festival not more like this one?!かかかっ! 祭りっちゅうのはええのう。
Huh?! Stick your hand in an open flame, would you?ああ? なめた真似しとったらいてこますぞ。
No guts shall go unspilled!どいつもこいつもいてもうたるわ!
You dare hold me up against such pathetic mortals?わしが人間ごときに負ける思うとんのか?
You will scream and struggle like the beasts you mortals are!人間ちゅうのは獣じゃ! もっと吠えんかい! 暴れんかい!
Damn that Nifl. We will settle things here...ニフルのクサレが…ここでケリつけたる…
Behold! My glory brands your eyes with my image!わしの姿、ようその目に焼き付けとけぇ!

아군 턴 터치

Out with it!どないすんじゃ
Stomp them out.蹴散らすぞ

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