매혹의 월광 노트/대사


I am Nótt, Jötunheimr's next queen. I hope we can forge friendly relations between our two grand realms.ヨトゥン王国第一王女ノート。どうぞ末永く可愛がってくださいませ。うふふ…

When Dagr was young, she broke many a training dummy... I hear she may not be alone in that here, hm?ダグちゃんは子供の頃からしょっちゅう壁に穴を空けていて…え? 似たような方がここにも…?
Mother is a great queen. But when she gets angry, it can be frightening... like she will tear the land itself apart.私のお母様は偉大な女王ですの。怒るとそれはそれは怖くて…いつも地面が割れるかと思いますわ。
There is no harm in being friendly with Dagr...so long as you are careful not to adopt her crude mannerisms.[召喚師]様、ダグちゃんと仲良くなってもガサツになってはダメですわよ。
Oh, but you do look fatigued... Would you care to eat something? I do know something of proper nutrition.あら、お疲れのご様子…何かお召し上がりになります?私、料理は得意ですの。
When I visit other lands, my size often calls attention to me. Here, however, it is hardly the most unusual sight.よその地へ行くと、私は大きくて目立ってしまいがちなんですが、ここではむしろ平凡ですわね…

친구 방문

I am here to offer a greeting by the grace of [Friend]...私は強く美しい[フレンド]様の僕…主に代わりご挨拶申し上げますわ。

레벨 업

I strive toward perfection. Continued improvement is expected of me.今以上に完璧になってもっともっとご奉仕いたしますわ。
Not awful, I suppose...though I ought to remain positive.悪くはありませんわよね?前向きにとらえましょう。
Urgh... What an embarrassment...あ、あら…お恥ずかしい…


That's one step closer to becoming queen... You have my gratitude.ありがとうございます。女王の座にまた一歩近づきましたわ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Dagr and I have not always quarreled as we do now. We were once quite close, in fact...
But we were born princesses of Jötunheimr, so we could not remain on friendly terms forever.
One of us must one day be queen. That means we must make certain sacrifices...for the realm.
When we were children, I never lost to Dagr, but she's grown into an entirely different jötun...
Now, if I do not take her seriously, she can easily outmatch me during a fight...
I believe I have you to thank you for that, [Summoner]...
As her older sister, thank you.
However! I will NOT lose to her, so I must learn all I can while I am here in this realm! Now, what's next...




How unkind...つれない方…

오의 발동

Just die.死んでくださいませ
Scrawny little runt!哀れなお猿さん
You offend me.好みじゃありませんの


I lost...負けましたわ…


I am the firstborn princess of Jötunheimr, Nótt. I do hope we can get along.ヨトゥン王国第一王女、ノートと申します。可愛がってくださいませね。
Oh! A touch is a fair greeting.まあ…直接触れ合う遊びがお好きですの? ささ、存分にどうぞ。
I will be the one to succeed my honored mother, as Jötunheimr's next queen.わたくしは偉大なお母様の跡を継いでヨトゥンの女王になりますの。
Dagr is so unrefined...it's perfectly indecent! How can she be my sister?ダグちゃんったらがさつで下品で…本当にわたくしの妹なのでしょうか?
Excuse me...Summoner? I hear that a tight embrace is a symbol of great affection with your people. Is that true?あのっ、召喚師さま! 親愛のしるしにぎゅーってしてもよろしくて?
The Order has brought together so many beauteous Heroes... My eyes may become exhausted by their radiance!特務機関には見目麗しい方が多くて、尊みで目が潰れそうですわ…
My body and mind are already yours... I pledge myself to your cause.この身も心も、もうあなた様のもの…どうぞ好きなようにお使いくださいませ。

아군 턴 터치

As you command.仰せの通りに
Quite a challenge!難題ですわね
It's over for them.瞬殺ですわ

캐릭터 페이지로